
Is the lack of inclusive language in your business costing you clients?

Language has a way of connecting us as humans in a really unique way.

The words we use or don’t use can cause us to either be understood or misunderstood. It can cause people to take notice of your business or simply scroll past.

When it comes to building a racially diverse, inclusive and equitable business language plays a big role in drawing people closer. And not just those who come from under-represented backgrounds but also those who want to support and do business with like-hearted people with similar values. Values centred in equitable practices.

As you promote your services, take a moment to think about your messaging.

Would it be something that would resonate with someone who doesn’t look or sound like you?

Would the message serve people who have historically been excluded?

Inclusive language matters and based on the conversations I have with my clients, there are potential customers who probably want to work with you but think your business may not include them.

One action you can take today is to start by looking back at your posts and see how you can be intentionally inclusive in your messaging. Look at the words you are using, who are they directed at and how are they uplifting or even excluding.

What’s one step you are going to take today to be a more inclusive online business owner?

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