Being intentionally inclusive is the first step toward creating a sustainable business that will thrive for years to come.
People of colour are the global majority.
… And when you learn how to attract and serve them, you are significantly increasing your potential client pool while also uplifting people of colour and disrupting the narrative of the negative stereotypical views held about them.

Hi, I'm Annie
a racial equity coach, here to help you do just that.
After years of working with online business owners, if there is one thing I know about coaches, it is this: You care deeply about people.
And when you combine that big-heart with the knowledge of how to create safer and more equitable spaces for people of colour, you not only build a more sustainable and profitable business because you’ve expanded your potential client pool, but you also become a catalyst for change.
When you use your skills to support women of colour, you empower them to occupy spaces of leadership, power, and business ownership.
In short; you become part of the change you want to see in the world.
As a woman of colour with a successful business,
I know what it means to not see yourself represented in the virtual and actual spaces of business I occupy, but I’ve learned to get comfortable being almost always the ONLY person of colour in the spaces I occupy, and what it means to truly own my power and unapologetically take up spaces that were not built with someone like me in mind.
This wasn’t always my story…
When I excitedly boarded my first solo flight for Australia over 20 years ago I had a certain perception of what I thought life in Australia would be like.
Despite having grown up watching the Australian TV series Neighbours, I wasn’t prepared for how different this new surrounding would feel.
From the moment I arrived, I felt out of place and often wanted to blend in. As time went by I learned to get comfortable being uncomfortable. I got used to being the only black person at my workplace, networking events and in many other public spaces.
That same feeling of being the “only” stopped me from pursuing my dream to get into television.
Following a work experience placement with one of the leading national television networks, I was offered the opportunity to return. After my initial elation, I talked myself out of saying yes.

WHY? I couldn’t be what I couldn’t see.
Because I didn’t see any other person of colour that I could aspire to, I thought I wouldn’t be good enough and I walked away from my dream.
Although Australia is a multicultural nation, this is not reflected in positions of leadership, influence, and power.
Which is why I’m on a mission to educate coaches to create greater representation within their businesses.
Not only is this good for your business – it’s also the key to elevating the societal status of women of colour, along with their families and communities.

Since starting my first business True Life Stories in 2015
I struggled with well-intended mentors giving me the advice to “just put myself out there”. Unfortunately as white women, they couldn’t understand that as a migrant woman of colour, there were many self-limiting beliefs I had to unshackle in-order to fully believe in myself.
Fast forward to today, I have a thriving coaching business and thanks to the support of mentors and coaches who understand the barriers, challenges and setbacks people of colour face, I’ve been able to tap into my power and rise up to a higher version of myself. As white women in business they understand the immense power and privilege they hold, are regularly ‘doing the work’ of racial equity and inclusion, and are more than willing to create space for women of colour in the rooms they belong to so we can truly rise up together.
As a result of this lived experience, along with what I’ve witnessed in the coaches I’ve supported to build racially equitable businesses I know that when women of colour are supported from a place of understanding how the system has been built to elevate one group and exclude another, the TRANSFORMATION is far deeper than they could have possibly imagined.
You might think that you are just supporting a woman of colour to reach her personal and professional goals but it’s so much more than that…
When you elevate and empower women of colour, you are impacting the communities they belong to and contributing to their economic and earning power, which in turn benefits all of us.
Which starts with learning how to be intentionally inclusive as an online business owner.
When women come together without judgement, shame, or guilt, powerful transformation occurs.
That’s why I approach this work with grace, kindness and love, and why in my spaces you’ll always have permission to show up as you are, messy.
I believe needing to be more educated, more active, more of an ally BEFORE you invest in racial equity work STOPS many big-hearted women in their tracks. But change has to start somewhere and around here, it starts with your heart-led desire to do better, and create a future we can ALL benefit from and be proud of – A future that is racially diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Client Stories

Racial equity and inclusion is not work that people of colour can do on their own. We need white women business owners who are ready to lock arms and begin to disrupt the coaching and personal development industry.
Here’s how we can create this change together:

Tailored Services
Regardless of where you are in your journey, I have a program, coaching package or collaboration opportunity just for you.

Just getting started?
I’ve curated some great free resources to help you go from afraid and overwhelmed to taking allied action.