

We need to tell our African stories as authentically as we can and we need to build platforms where we can share these stories.



We need to tell our African stories as authentically as we can and we need to build platforms where we can share these stories.

Meet the Nzuri Show Crew. They are a group of African creatives based in Perth, Western Australia and they’ve created the very first African talk show of it’s kind in Australia with an all African crew and African owned. In my interview, we reflect on the journey to get to where they are. We talk all things barriers, representation and the sacrifices made to make their dreams come true.

What this conversation stirred up in me is that we are all incredibly capable and fully equipped to make our dreams come true. We already have it in us, we just need to be willing to chase the dream and work for it.

As a life coach who helps migrant women of colour unshackle their self limiting beliefs, we discussed what those beliefs feel like and the steps one can take to unshackle them. If you are ready to begin living a life of purpose and impact, the life you know you were created to live, then download your free Mindset Audio Guide; 3 Steps to Unshackle Your Self-Limiting Beliefs and start the journey to making your dreams a reality.

With love,




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