

A family reunion episode. Annie Gichuru from Uplifting Studios and her special guests Pastor George Mathu and Gospel Singer Kambua Mathu. Reflecting on 2020 and expectations for 2021.



We are about to usher in 2021 and the prospect of a new year brought about the idea of a family reunion episode. 

Watch as I, Annie Gichuru chat with my brother, Pastor George Mathu and my little sister Gospel Artist, Kambua Mathu about the lessons of 2020 and preparing for the new year.

We begin our conversation by taking it back to when my brother George and I met Kambua who is now our sister-in-law. She married our brother Jackson and is a loved and cherished family member. 

Fun fact: I met Kambua for the first time on my wedding day after Jackson spent a lot of time convincing me his ‘friend’ should sing at my wedding. 

On the topic of 2020, it’s been interesting for both George and Kambua. 

George is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Eagles Faith Christian Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and spent the year navigating and leading a church whilst in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. He shares about originally believing online church would be for one month and yet at the end of 2020 they’re still not really ‘back’ inside churches. George also reveals he himself has in the past month battled with testing positive to Covid-19 and the soul searching the illness brought about for him.

Kambua’s experience for 2020 was also different to what she expected. Being a celebrity, a first-time mother and pregnant with her second child as well as learning new ways to reach her audience in a nonconventional way were all new to her.

The highlights from this entire episode include:

00:1:46 – How Pst George and I met Kambua.

00:8:47 – Pst George on pastoring a church in 2020. 

00:11:42 – Pst George on building a physical building for the church.

00:15:47 – Kambua in 2020- First time mum and being pregnant during Covid-19 pandemic.

00:21:27 – Kambua on how her night of worship event came about.

00:24:16 – Kambua on her song, ‘Neema’.

00:24:58 – A sample of Kambua’s song, ‘Neema’.              

00:41:20 – Pst George on knowing what he was called to do.

00:45:44 – Kambua on knowing what she was called to do.

00:50:26 – Kambua on being a celebrity.

00:58:24 – Pst George’s greatest lessons from 2020.

1:05:05 – Kambua’s greatest lessons from 2020.

1:06:36 – Kambua on what prayer means to her.

1:07:35 -Pst George on what prayer means to him.

1:09:38 – Pst George on what he’s calling forth for 2021.

1:10:55 – Kambua on what she’s calling forth for 2021.

1:11:55 – My thoughts and what I’m calling forth for 2021.

The response from both my family members reinforced that life around the world has had to slow down in 2020, and because of this, there has been the opportunity to develop a spirit of gratitude. In the words of Pst George, he said gratitude is taking time out and, “Saying thanks for things we haven’t said thanks for.”

Which leads me to Kambua’s incredible song, ‘Neema’ which we talk about in depth in this episode. I know you’ll love hearing Kambua’s story of the, ‘God who sees her’ and how she sings about her life and her challenges – like waiting years for a baby and losing her father. 

I also take the time to share my favourite scripture of all time which I know will help with your mindset throughout 2021. This special verse reminds us to think of good things and meditate on them in order that they will strengthen our spirit even though the world desires to continuously bombard us with negative news and information.

Watch the New Year Family Special now and leave a comment below if you’d like my family to get together again for another reunion.

Season 3 of Uplifting Studios TV is dropping on the 14th January Subscribe to Uplifting Studios TV and be the first to know when it premieres. 

Contact Details

Pastor George Mathu:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/efcckenya

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EFCCKenya/

Kambua Mathu:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kambuamuziki

For those of you interested in more music from Kambua, find links below to some of the music featured in this episode.

Kambua wanted to minister and reach people despite the coronavirus pandemic so brought together a night of worship which people tuned into. You can watch her night of worship here.

Kambua also released a song in October of 2020 called Neema which means ‘the grace of God’ and brought powerful healing to the nation of Kenya. People who hear this song feel so seen and heard by the message delivered.

As you head into 2021, I want you to know you are significant and have been made for a purpose and it is up to you to fulfil whatever that purpose is for your life. 

My prayer for you in 2021 is that you would remember you were made for greatness, that you would boldly pursue your purpose and be expectant and choose to impact others wherever you find yourself.

Happy New Year!

With Love,



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