Since International Women’s Day, I’ve been having conversations with my clients around breaking the media bias based on the information we consume. So much of what is shared be it on a national or international front carries a dominant narrative where we only see stories told from one lens.
As we look at the current affairs around us and apply a DEI lens, it doesn’t take long to realise that the stories we are consuming are missing an inclusive lens.
Here are some of the questions we’ve been pondering on:
🤔 Why is it that certain people’s stories make it to the headlines and others do not?
🤔 Why are those described as refugees synonymous with people of colour?
🤔 Why isn’t there mass outrage when people of colour are being harmed?
When we begin to apply a DEI lens to the information we are receiving it allows us to look at issues from a different perspective we wouldn’t have otherwise thought of. It makes us more conscious and with time, we become more intentional with the way we show up and speak up both personally and in business.
There’s a long way to go, but we can all start somewhere. The next time you are consuming information here’s a few things to consider:
âž¡ Where I’m I getting my information from?
âž¡ Is it from a credible source?
âž¡ Is it being shared come from a balanced lens?
âž¡ Is the language in use inclusive or is it being used in a prejudice manner?
By doing this you will be exercising applying a DEI lens to the information you are consuming and not being at risk of misinformation or disinformation.
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With Love,