
Are you clear about who you serve in your business?

It’s so easy to get caught up with trying to get our ideal client right to a tee. Where do they live? What do they spend their money on? What do they wear? How old are they?

It’s so easy to get caught up with trying to get our ideal client right to a tee. Where do they live? What do they spend their money on? What do they wear? How old are they? The list goes on…

BUT one of the really important things we forget when we are niching down is who we might be leaving out unintentionally.

We focus so much on the outward measures such as demographics and leave out what matters most such as shared values. The things that deeply connect us.

People of colour may also be your ideal client but maybe you’ve just never thought about it.

Here are some ways you can have more representation in your business:

  • Through your testimonials

  • Guests on your podcast

  • Speakers for your event (virtual or in-person)

  • Collaborations

  • Hiring team members

That’s representation and it will go a long way in reaching more of your ideal clients and being consciously inclusive.

Want more tips and lessons on how to be more inclusive in your business? Head over to my website where I share lots of resources.

With Love,


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