Let’s talk about best practice in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) work when it comes to race.
Because it’s one of the things I see keeping business owners stuck and too fearful to take action.
I understand why. There is definitely a culture of cancelling and fear. It seems like, if you take a wrong step or say the wrong thing, you run the risk of backlash. And that feels daunting. It makes you feel like you have to follow very specific guidelines and “best practices.”
But strictly following best practice is not the way to show up authentically. Best practice tells us:
👉🏾 “This” is the only way we’re supposed to show up
👉🏾 “This” is how we need to look
👉🏾 “This” is how we need to talk
👉🏾 “This” is how we need to position ourselves
As a DEI coach and consultant working with many business owners, I can tell you that the only practice we need to be concerned with is HUMAN practice.
Because best practice is according to the people who set the rules. And the people who set the current rules did not have everyone in mind. More often than not, they have themselves in mind. That’s why you’ll find systems that benefit one group of people and exclude or oppress another.
But when we apply a human lens from a heart-led perspective, we see people as humans first.
And LEADING from a place of humanity ensures that your business is inclusive, attracts a more diverse community, and ultimately, allows you to serve more of that community.
One of the best ways to share your heart for inclusivity and equity is to create a statement that shares your personal journey, values, and commitment. I call it your Inclusion Statement. It’s a simple way to call in right-fit clients and like-hearted people to your business.
Next week, I’m hosting a workshop to share exactly how you can create a statement for your business.
Join me for an immersive half-day workshop where you’ll learn . . .
✔️ What an Inclusion statement really means and how it plays a significant role in allowing People of Colour to take a step closer to you and your business
✔️ The 3 (MUST HAVE) steps to writing a powerful and meaningful Inclusion statement that is authentic to you and your business
✔️ Where to position your statement, so the right people can find it and go from being potential clients to actual clients.
By the end of this half-day immersion, you will walk away with a fully written Inclusion statement, ready to share on your platforms – one that will begin to position you as a genuinely inclusive leader and online business owner.
With Love,