Well-meaning coaches often ask me if I have a template, checklist, or essential toolbox for a more inclusive business. And the simple answer is no.
When it comes to inclusion there’s no shortcut. You’ve actually got to do the work to see the results. There’s no quick fix whereby if you do one thing like read a book, listen to a podcast, or take a course, you are done.
In your business, you didn’t just do ONE thing to get to where you are. It’s taken consistent action, rolling up your sleeves, and long-term effort. The same goes here, you’ve got to be in it to begin to embody it by taking action.
And that action can begin right now by signing up for my FREE 3-day Inclusive Language Intensive where I’ll support you to:
⭐️ Connect with your personal why for doing this necessary work so you can lead with your values and attract like-hearted clients
✨ Explore & unpack the concept of inclusive language and how it intersects at a personal/professional level so you stand out from other service providers and coaches in your industry
👉🏿 Learn the key differences between authentic inclusivity and virtue signalling so your business attracts a diverse clientele for years to come
🌊 Deep dive into your content and identify where you can be more inclusive so people of colour feel welcomed, seen and valued by you – which results in them leaning in closer
🙌🏾 Understand 5 key concepts to provide safeR spaces for people of colour within your programs & offerings so you can lead by example and foster feelings of trust and safety with your potential clients
With Love,