And whilst there’s a place for calling out, especially to those who are repeatedly and knowingly causing harm, it can in some instances get in the way of racial equity work.
Well, when a well meaning individual has courageously taken the steps to dive into this work, only to make a mistake, say the wrong thing, offend or potentially cause harm AND they get called out….what follows are feelings of shame, guilt and the impact of unfair judgement.
When shame, guilt and judgement show up, it often takes away the ability for someone to take accountability for their actions in a way that allows them to keep doing and showing up for racial equity work.
When we are so quick to accuse and blame without taking the time to calling someone in and up to their highest self, we are in many ways keeping the structures of inequity in place. And we wonder why progress is so slow or even taking us back rather than forward.
Let’s take the time to examine ourselves deeply before being quick to shame, guilt or judge. Where possible let us correct with grace and kindness as we ourselves would want to be corrected, knowing that we too have been on a journey to arrive to where we are.
Let’s show love to those venturing into this work and nurture them in a way that will want them to make this work a lifelong commitment.
I’d love to hear from you. Tell me if what I’ve shared has resonated with you and given you the permission you need to give yourself to show up as you are for racial equity work.
With love,