

Your pathway to inclusivity and sustainable profit

A mastermind for online business owners who run group programs where you’ll be supported by your very own Chief Inclusion Officer (CIO) to ensure inclusivity is baked into every aspect of your business so you are running safer and more welcoming spaces for ALL people especially those who have been under-represented and under-served.

Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a powerful tool that has the ability to propel your business to new heights.


Sure, your online business is growing and you’re positively impacting lives everyday through your programs…. But when you look around the rooms you’ve created it’s clear you’re only really attracting people who look and sound like you; white women committed to their growth and wellbeing.

That’s what’s possible when inclusivity is interwoven into the entire fabric of your business.


Which is exactly what I’ll support you to do inside INCLUDED.

This is your invitation to apply to INCLUDED. A 5 month experience where you’ll create massive momentum toward a business that’s truly reflective of your inclusion values. One that will see you attract and serve more people from racially diverse backgrounds so you can create more sustainable income.


When you join INCLUDED you are signing up to have me as your Chief Inclusion Officer, the same way you might have an Online Business Manager or a Bookkeeper who supports your business to keep flourishing and making the impact you created it for.

We will unpack the key areas that make up your business and infuse inclusion so your work begins to resonate with a wider and more racially diverse audience.

Here’s how you’ll be supported


As soon as you join, you’ll get instant access to the pre-work module to get you started on your INCLUDED journey.

Welcome Call

We’ll officially open the container on Tuesday 6 February at 10am AEDT. This call will be your opportunity to get to know your fellow master-minders and solidify your vision and goals for your INCLUDED journey.

1:1 Call & Customised Action Plan

Following the welcome call and the completion of your pre-work, you’ll have the opportunity to book your first 1:1 call with me. This initial call is where we’ll set the foundations for your path to inclusion by unpacking your business and DEI journey so far and creating a customised action plan so you’re clear on how to make the most of your time inside this mastermind.

Online Library Access

Immediately after the welcome call you’ll also gain instant access to the INCLUDED library where you’ll find an array of resources and lessons covering the key areas of business through the lens of inclusion. Unlike most programs, this is not a curriculum that you need to work through from start to finish, instead using your action plan you’ll navigate the content based on your goals and priorities.

Fortnightly Group Coaching Calls

While the lessons inside the library are a powerful catalyst for expanding the way you see your business, the true power lies in the actions you take to truly imbed inclusion in every aspect of your business. Which is why every fortnight we’ll meet to unpack what you are currently doing (or not doing) and coach you through anything that might be coming up in your INCLUDED journey. Not only is this process powerful for maintaining your momentum, having the opportunity to witness what other like-hearted business owners are navigating and implementing in their own businesses will inspire and motivate your transformation.

Additional Private Support

To solidify the work you’re doing toward building a racially inclusive business, you’ll have the opportunity to bring your team together for a guest session facilitated by me. During this call, we’ll discuss your systems and process and how you are applying a more inclusive lens. If you do not have a team, this can be substituted for a guest masterclass inside your group program. As you progress through INCLUDED we’ll also meet again for a second 1:1 call to discuss in greater detail how your journey is unfolding and any blocks that might be getting in the way so we can formulate a plan and work through them together.

Closing Call

To wrap up your incredible journey, we’ll come together one final time as a group to reflect on what you have achieved during the past five months and carve out your next steps for continuing to build your racially inclusive and equitable business.

And here’s what’s waiting for you inside the learning portal




The ability for your business to grow and impact more lives has everything to do with your mindset especially when it comes to getting comfortable being uncomfortable with matters to do with race. In this module I’ll walk you through powerful bite-sized lessons to take you from fearful to empowered.

  • Uncovering the unconscious biases we hold 
  • The difference between not being racist vs being anti-racist
  • Unpack what might be getting in the way:
    • The fear of being called out & what to do if it happens to you
    • How to have productive conversations about inclusion
    • How to prioritising inclusion when life and business gets in the way
    • The art of calling in vs calling out & how to have difficult conversations about race
    • Breaking the cycle of continuous consumption and moving into action
    • Navigating taboo topics and how to apply an inclusive lens
    • How to navigate past the discomfort of white fragility
  • On-going work of mindset – what you need to do to stay engaged




Your services are the most powerful asset you have in your business. You are solving a problem your ideal client has and therefore being able to apply an inclusive lens so that those who are underserved can feel seen, valued and welcome will be our key focus. By the end of this module, you’ll be amazed at how much inclusion is an integral part of how you serve.

  • Defining your ideal client from an inclusive lens
  • The art of holding inclusive space
  • Curating your curriculum and resources for inclusivity
  • The power of racially diverse support within your offerings
  • Creating successful and sustainable scholarships programs




Inclusive marketing is an area that is lacking in a big way when it comes to the representation of people of colour. This module, our focus will be on ethical marketing and selling from a human first lens rather than the “bro-marketing” tactics that leave you questioning your integrity.

  • The role of inclusive language in your business
  • Creating inclusive lead magnets 
  • Inclusive launching from your sales page right up to close cart and everything in between
  • Inclusive pricing strategy including the power of payment plans
  • Conscious content creation 
  • Digital blackface and the rising trend on TikTok and Reels
  • Avoiding cultural appropriation when naming, branding and messaging your program.




As your business grows you will be hiring more people and collaborating more with other businesses. Having DEI policies in place will ensure you are compliant and that your contracts and agreements go beyond being legally compliant, but also show your commitment to inclusivity.

You will also learn how to be an equity centred collaborator and employer, by diving into the forgotten human practice, which goes beyond the industry best practices when it comes to hiring and collaborating.

  • Systems and processes from an inclusion lens
  • Crafting an Inclusion Statement (that you actually stand behind and live up to)
  • Embedding inclusivity into your client onboarding , offboarding and feedback processes
  • An equitable approach to following up failed payments
  • The must have DEI policies
  • Beyond compliant; ensuring your contracts are inclusive
  • Managing racially diverse teams 
  • How to attract and hire racially diverse team members
  • Navigating the unexpected through a human-centric lens




The visibility of your business matters just as much as who you choose to partner with when it comes to speaking engagements, podcast guesting, contributing as a writer to engaging with the media.

We will look at your year ahead, the events you have planned and podcast guests to ensure they are diverse, inclusive and operating in an equitable manner. 

  • What to consider when selecting which platforms or organisations to pitch to or be featured on 
  • How to approach women of colour for collaboration opportunities
  • How your networks are unconsciously impacting your collaborations
  • Where to find women of colour speakers
  • Elevating underrepresented voices

And while these lessons are a powerful catalyst for expanding the way you see your business, the true power lies in the actions you take to truly imbed inclusion in every aspect of your business so you are able to serve a more diverse group of clients and stop leaving valuable money on the table.

Bonus Conversations

If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall and listen to women of colour opening up about what it means to occupy spaces that weren’t designed with them in mind I’ve got something extra special lined up for you.

Inside the learning portal you’ll get access to the interviews I’ve had with my circle of influence; women of colour who are shaking the foundations they walk on and blazing a trail in their own way. These are women you will want to know, follow and learn from.

The conversations we share will help you better understand the issues women of colour are facing when it comes to inclusion and what you can do to create more inclusive spaces in your business.

Yemi Penn
Transformation Thought Leader & TEDx Speaker 

Jessica Bailey
Mentor & Inspirational Speaker

Tara Winters
Money Coach & Spiritual Mentor

As you can see, INCLUDED is not just a program; it’s a transformational experience. It’s a place where objections transform into understanding, concerns evolve into action, and where you realise that building an inclusive business is not just the right thing to do; it’s the profitable thing to do.

Included is for you if:

Hey there, I’m Annie.

Racial Equity Coach for online business owners who are ready to build businesses that are racially equitable so they can be intentionally inclusive.

I grew up in the beautiful tropical city of Nairobi in Kenya, where being Black is the norm. Which meant I didn’t experience the racism that’s so pervasive in other parts of the world…

Until I moved to Australia over 20 years ago.

I felt so out of place and often wanted to blend in.

As time went on, I got comfortable being the “only”.

But like so many People of Colour who experience internalised racism, I let myself fall into limiting beliefs based on what I did not see. Which meant that rather than pursuing a career in media after earning my Mass Communications degree, I talked myself out of it.

I couldn’t be what I couldn’t see.

So I retrained in HR and worked in corporate for over 15 years.

Despite having a masters degree in Human Resource Management, most of what I learned about humans and our relations was not learned in the lecture hall or on the job, but through my lived experience.

Several years ago, I found myself standing at a crossroads. I had been part of a number of group programs where I often found myself the only Black woman in spaces that were predominantly occupied by white women. As I progressed in these programs, I often felt the need to try hard to fit in so I could feel a sense of belonging. It required me to be less Black and more white in-order to succeed in the program. A lot of who I was from a racial perspective was often not catered to. And to be very honest with you, it’s not something I wanted to make a big deal about and be branded as difficult or disturbing the “peace” in the programs.

It wasn’t until I signed up to a program that operated under an inclusive lens that I felt seen, acknowledged, welcomed and even celebrated for my identity – perhaps for the first time.

Fast forward to today and I cannot begin to tell you how much of an imprint that left in my heart and has directed the path I have now taken as a Racial Equity Coach.

That’s the gift an inclusive business gave me.

And there are so many other ‘Annie’s’ out there looking to find programs just like yours that offer a solution to the issue they have, but for many a lack of inclusivity is what stands in the way of them diving head first into your world of service.

I’ve heard it all too often in the affinity groups I support with Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Colour. It goes something like this…”Business Coach X is running a mastermind that I’m interested in joining but to be honest I do not feel safe signing up as a Person of Colour.”

This is what led to the making of INCLUDED. A mastermind designed to guide big-hearted business owners to cultivate programs and services that women of colour feel safe enough to step into and be supported. Because that is the core mission behind the work I do.

By supporting white women to build racially inclusive businesses I am creating better outcomes for all – especially the under-served women of colour who have so much promise and potential but don’t have a seat at the table because they are not included.

When you build your business to liberate and support women of colour to thrive in ways they only ever dreamed of, you become a catalyst for change in the most powerful way.

Say no more Annie. I’m In!!

Here is a recap of what you get

Welcome Call

Get to know each other and our businesses and set the foundation for the journey ahead.

2 x 1:1 Coaching Calls

A private space for you to share in more detail about your business and the areas you’d like us to focus on as I support you as your CIO.

Individual Action Plan

This is by far the most valuable document you will receive all year in your business as it will be the compass that guides you on your path to inclusion. Based on our initial 1:1 call I’ll make custom recommendations around what areas of your business to focus on and what content to consume within the portal so you make the greatest impact within your business.

1x Team Call/Masterclass

Bring your team together to discuss your systems and process and how you are applying a more inclusive lens. If you do not have a team, then this can be substituted for a guest masterclass inside your group program which will add massive value for your clients as you exercise what it really means to be an ally in action.

Fortnightly Group Coaching

This is where the gold is. In this intimate space you will receive personalised coaching and strategic input, as well as input from your fellow masterminders.

Bite-sized Recorded Lessons

Implement strategic inclusive practices and tools into your business by accessing the library of lessons covering a range of essential business topics including; inclusive launching, an inclusive pricing strategy, the must do practice when it comes to onboarding your clients - one that will give them an unforgettable experience.

Circle of Influence

Listen in to conversations with Women of Colour who are leaders spearheading change in their industry. This will build upon the knowledge you already have when it comes to racial equity and also allow you to hear how you can make a difference as an inclusive business owner.

Monthly Content Reviews

Receive guidance and suggestions to improve the inclusivity of your business content. From lead magnets to sales pages and everything in between.

Dedicated Community Space

A space to connect with fellow masterminders and gain ongoing support.

Closing Call

Reflect on and celebrate your journey as well as how to set up for success.


AUD $6,500 Paid In Full


5 x monthly payments of AUD $1,300


12 x monthly payments of AUD $542

*As a REPRESENTED alumni you will receive a $500 discount to your investment.

Still scrolling through but haven’t applied to join INCLUDED…read on


Our online space is saturated with people making big promises to transform our businesses and more often than not, it turns out to be pie in the sky. It’s difficult to know who to trust anymore.

Here are 4 things I know for sure:


People of Colour are now recognised as the People of the Global Majority, meaning everyday they are looking for programs just like yours to solve the problems they have, the question is, are they buying yours?


The coaching and personal development space is constantly changing and evolving. One of the changes that is inevitable is the need for more inclusion. We will begin to see more people wanting to be in groups where there’s racial diversity and inclusion. Your future clients will want to buy from people whose values reflect their own. And racial equity will be at the top of the list.


Businesses that are being awarded for their excellence have to demonstrate the ways in which they have centred DEI work and if this is not evident, your work falls short of what is recognised as award winning.


When you invest in inclusion work the rewards are far reaching, not only does your business grow sustainably and profitably too but deep down as a human, this work is soul-satisfying knowing the impact you are creating for those who have been historically overlooked, under-served and under-represented.

Program Calendar

February - July 2024 Dates

Tuesday, 6 Feb 10AM & 7PM AEST

1:1 Coaching Call 1 – book between 7 Feb – 27 Feb

Team Call/Masterclass – book between 10 Apr – 1 May

1:1 Coaching Call 2 – book between 1 May – 29 May

Tuesday, 20th Feb 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 5th March 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday 19th March 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 2nd April 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 16th April 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 30th April 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 14th May 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 28th May 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 11th June 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 25th June 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 9th July 10AM & 7PM AEST

Program Calendar

July - December 2024 Dates

Tuesday, 23rd July 10AM & 7PM AEST

1:1 Coaching Call 1 – book between 24 July to 13 Aug

Team Call/Masterclass – book between 18 Sept – 8 Oct

1:1 Coaching Call 2 – book between 23 Oct – 12 Nov

Tuesday, 30th Jul 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 13th Aug 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday 27th Aug 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 10th Sept 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 24th Sept 10AM & 7PM AEST

Tuesday, 8th Oct 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 22nd Oct 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 5th Nov 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 19th Nov 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 26th Nov 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Tuesday, 3rd Dec 10AM & 7PM AEDT

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 2 call times to choose from:

  • 10am AEST/AEDT
  • 7pm AEST/AEDT

Both those time zones cater to different time zones globally and you can convert to your local time zone here to see if it suits.

Yes. You can download the PDF here.

Absolutely. There is a 5 month payment plan with no additional fees to ensure that you are not disadvantaged for choosing the payment plan option.

There is no behind in INCLUDED. All calls are recorded and made available within 24 hours. With your Action Planning document in hand, you will receive personalised support which you can implement at a pace that suits your life and business. Remember inclusion work is lifelong and even though life gets in the way, you can simply pick up from where you left off.


If you have any questions at all you can do one of the following:

With Love,

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