It’s almost 2 years now since the murder of George Floyd.
Though many “instances” have happened and brought national attention, the murder of George Floyd sparked global outrage – from the cries of mothers who heard George call out to his own mother to the protests and movements in countries the world over – and things began to change.
I’ve seen a lot of strides made by online business owners committed to doing better in their businesses. Coaches who have moved from their comfort zones and asked uncomfortable questions, had difficult conversations with loved ones and clients, and even made mistakes along the way. I’ve seen group coaching programs take a more inclusive lens with more people of colour being served and more people of colour expertise coming in as guest teachers and support coaches.
It’s been encouraging to see those who picked up the baton and are still holding it as they run their race.
But there’s still a long way to go.
Most white women business owners are still sitting it out because this work is no longer front and centre; it’s not headline news and, quite frankly, it doesn’t feel like they are affected by not doing this work. And that’s where a lot of online business owners are getting it wrong, thinking, “Well, this just doesn’t affect me. I have my clients, I’m serving them well and there’s really no need to do this uncomfortable work.”
But when you only look at your life and business from one lens – and not an inclusive lens – you’re ultimately hurting your business in the long run. DEI work is not going away. Now that the eyes of millions have been open, there is no place to go but forward. And that means – for those of us who want sustainably profitable, long-term businesses – the choices are to either become leaders and harbingers of justice, equity, and inclusion OR stay quiet and reactive, hoping no one notices you only post when tragedy strikes.
That is the goal of my work: to help you re-commit to this work so you are not having a knee jerk reaction when the heads of injustice and brutality rear again. This work is lifelong and whilst it is important to pace yourself and take time off to recharge, this work is ongoing.
One of the best ways you can re-commit to this work AND make strides toward inclusivity in your own business is by signing up for my FREE 3-day Inclusive Language Intensive where I will support you to :
Connect with your personal why for doing this necessary work (most people find that their reasons are much deeper than they ever could have imagined)
Explore & unpack the concept of inclusive language + how it intersects at a personal/professional level (especially for heart-led businesses who are working for more than just profit – this is a legacy we’re building)
Learn the difference between authentic inclusivity and virtue signalling so your business attracts a diverse clientele for years to come (not just when boxes are checked)
Deep dive into your content and identify where you can be more inclusive (we’re talking much deeper than one statement on your About Page)
Learn the 5 key concepts it takes to provide safeR spaces for people of colour within your programs & offerings (so that you can become known as a leader for ALL kinds of people)
Secure your spot and commit to creating a better, more inclusive future for people of colour right here: https://www.upliftingstudios.com.au/inclusivelanguageintensive
With Love,