
bonus ends in:

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When you join REPRESENTED by Sunday, 3rd September at 5pm AEST you will get access to:

Cultural Appropriation and Digital Blackface Workshop (value $97) – In the tech era we are living in it’s never been more imperative to understand appropriation and how it could impact your brand as you create content using reels,TikTok and ChatGPT.

✔️ The opportunity to have me as a guest speaker for a 60 minute masterclass for your mastermind, group coaching program, circle or event. (value $1497) – available to the first 5 people before the cart opens to the public.

✔️ 3 hour Inclusion Statement Workshop (value $197) – In this workshop, learn how to create an authentic, race and inclusion-focused DEI statement that shares your commitment to this work with everyone who is thinking about working with you. It’s an absolute MUST for business owners seeking to work with people of colour.

✔️ Cultural Appropriation and Digital Blackface Workshop (value $97) – In the tech era we are living in it’s never been more imperative to understand appropriation and how it could impact your brand as you create content using reels,TikTok and ChatGPT.



Building a racially inclusive and equitable business isn’t just ‘a nice to have’…

It’s the catalyst for expanding your client base and income

(And the key to building a sustainably profitable business)

When you join REPRESENTED today you’ll get instant access to the PRE-WORK ahead of the next live round in September 2024.

Here’s what you’ll get:

✔️ An interactive exercise where you’ll be able to assess key areas in your life and business where bias plays a role and uncover the knowledge gap.

 Understanding around the role white women play when it comes to advancing white supremacy and how they knowingly/ unknowingly add to the racial inequities that exist.  

✔️ 2 x videos with powerful information around racism and white privilege that will help you gain greater understanding and support you in building your confidence in these issues and help you grow as an ally.

✔️ Access to a deeply impactful conversation of white fragility and how it shows up and gets in the way of the progress of racial equity work for white people.

Choose your payment option:

Get Instant Access  To The Pre-Work For Only $500 with nothing more to pay until the next live round in September 2024.



$500 deposit now,
$1000 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
6x monthly payments of $166.70 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
12x monthly payments of $83.35 AUD later

Choose your payment option:

For a limited time until the end of June, I’m offering $200 off REPRESENTED as part of my EOFY special – enter coupon code EOFY at the checkout.



1 x payment
of $1497 AUD



3x monthly payments of $529 AUD



6x monthly payments of $264.50 AUD

Your ability to grow your income is directly linked to how inclusive your business is because People Of Colour are now recognised as the People of the Global Majority, and every day, thousands of those people are searching for courses, programs, and services just like yours.

The question is:

Are they Buying Yours?

As a business owner you can no longer afford to put inclusion work on the backburner as a ‘someday’ project.

I get there are MANY things competing for your time and resources as you grow your business but prioritising the necessary groundwork required to speak to, earn the trust of, and include People of the Global Majority is the key that unlocks more successes and sustainability by generating results like…

… having 60% of your client base comprising of people of colour (when prior to doing REPRESENTED they were 100% white)

… filling almost 50% of a certification program with people of colour (with only a handful of those being scholarship recipients)

… signing high ticket clients from the continent of Africa (a market they’d previously never thought to promote to)

After years of working with business owners, if there is one thing I know about coaches, it is this: You care deeply about people.

Why else would you choose a career path where you support people to be the best and highest version of themselves? That tells me you want to cultivate a heart-led, human-centric business.

But one of the biggest mistakes I see white women make is that they’re so desperate to cause less harm, that they just want a checklist or script to use.

“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

The truth is that being genuine and creating an impact in this work requires you to stay engaged – not in a “muted and listening” default position because you’re afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.

The time for muted and listening is gone. Now is the time for you to step into the arena as someone that’s doing the work, learning from the work, and incorporating those learnings. It’s time for you to build the muscle around racial stamina, so you can be part of this conversation.

And that is why I created my 10-week signature course: to help women like you create an inclusive, diverse, and sustainably profitable business. This program is set up to be a loving guide and support you in a way that allows you to bring your full self to the table. Your messy self. So you can create a business of purpose, and impact, and make a real difference in the online business space.

This isn’t a program centred on shame, but one that invites you to leave behind the “best practice” standards (like action without fear and toxic perfectionism) to embrace this human practice.

But here’s the thing…

These results didn’t happen by accident.

After years of supporting heart-led coaches & creatives to build more intentionally inclusive businesses, I know that the rewards they reap are reflective of their commitment to showing up courageously & consistently.

The online business owners who prioritise inclusion work:


Show up for this work afraid and build the muscle of courage along the way. They’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no other way around it other than doing the work and knowing it isn’t a linear path to growth, and there’s no script or check-box that’ll automatically make them ‘inclusive’.


Reap the rewards of supporting a diverse range of clients, many who are people of the global majority. It’s allowed them to refine their ability to support clients from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds and continue to grow in their inclusion journey.


Don’t consider inclusion work just for those who are deemed “racist” but rather for them too because they know they’ve been part of and are still part of systems that perpetuate exclusion and harm to those with marginalised identities such as people of colour.


Haven’t taken the default position of being muted and listening because they understand having a voice and sharing their perspective even though they get it wrong is important to inclusion work and their voice matters immensely to people of colour.

And they do it in a loving, supported space where they can bring their messy, unsure selves to the table, have the uncomfortable conversations without fear of judgement, and develop the awareness and tools to build a inclusive, diverse, sustainable business, that makes a real difference in the online business space – all while growing their client base and profitability.


Humanise the experience people have with you and your business, so they can see themselves represented.


Humanise the way you respond to tragedies, like the murder of George Floyd, so you show up in more meaningful ways than posting a black square and declaring you’re muted and listening.


Humanise how you interact with People of Colour, so you are not unconsciously excluding them or having stereotypical expectations of how they might show up or behave.


Humanise racial diversity and inclusion in your business, so that it becomes the norm, rather than something that is seen as the “good” thing to do.



A 10 week journey that will help you understand how inclusion work is tied to income generation so you can build a sustainable and profitable online business.

Throughout our time together, you’ll be supported to:

Deeply understand how our systems, institutions, businesses, and way of life continue to disadvantage People of Colour so you can avoid perpetuating these systems within your business.

Recognise the ways in which you can evolve your business, so you are operating from a place of cultural and racial representation, allowing you to serve more people from racially diverse backgrounds.

Unpack the toxic perfectionism that’s likely been keeping you stuck in inaction, so you can become an active ally in diversity, equity and inclusion and break the cycles of exclusion that are contributing to inequity in business.

By the End of this Experience,

you’ll walk away with the education, confidence, and clarity that will take you from bystander to contributing to the conversation like the inclusive leader and legacy-maker you are.

Meet your coach

Hey there, I’m Annie.

Racial Equity Coach for online business owners who are ready to build businesses that are racially equitable so they can be intentionally inclusive.

I grew up in the beautiful tropical city of Nairobi in Kenya, where being Black is the norm. Which meant I didn’t experience the racism that’s so pervasive in other parts of the world…

Until I moved to Australia over 20 years ago.

I felt so out of place and often wanted to blend in.

As time went on, I got comfortable being the “only”.

But like so many People of Colour who experience internalised racism, I let myself fall into limiting beliefs based on what I did not see. Which meant that rather than pursuing a career in media after earning my Mass Communications degree, I talked myself out of it.

I couldn’t be what I couldn’t see.

So I retrained in HR and worked in corporate for over 15 years.

Despite having a masters degree in Human Resource Management, most of what I learned about humans and our relations was not learned in the lecture hall or on the job, but through my lived experience.

These threads all wove together when I founded Uplifting Studios. A platform to elevate migrant women of colour through life coaching and storytelling.

Then, in 2020, as I processed the heartbreak of witnessing the life of George Floyd being squeezed out of him, while he lay helpless on the ground with a knee to his neck, saying he couldn’t breathe and asking for his mama, I realised that in order to truly shift the status quo and close the gap in the levels of representation, we’d need the support of white women.

Since then, I’ve dedicated my life’s work to locking arms with heart-led online business owners as they become activators for change, and use their business and privilege as a force for good.

It’s my hope this work helps pave the way for a better future for my children and generations to come…

A future where racial equity is the norm, and they see themselves represented in positions of leadership, influence, and business so they can confidently pursue their dreams without ever questioning their worth.

If that’s the kind of future you’re interested in too – I’d love for us to journey there together.

After participating in REPRESENTED, the very next time that I opened my doors for my programme Beyond Web Copy, I had so many more sign ups than I had had in any other round and from the most fabulously diverse groups of people and from almost every continent on earth, which was just amazing to me.

I made the investment back within a couple of months, and I’m set up now to continue to work towards creating the inclusive business in my dreams.

Susan Reoch
UX Strategist & Copywriter

As someone who specializes in trauma informed care, I implore others that they cannot be trauma informed without doing the parallel work of addressing systems of oppression both within themselves and their outer worlds. As a woman in a white body, I cannot lead this work therefore I point to leaders like Annie who do. Just like being trauma informed is an evolution, so is anti-oppression work and REPRESENTED especially is an incredible container to not just learn, unlearn and establish a strong foundation to sustainably show up from.

Katie Kurtz
Trauma Informed Training Specialist

When it comes to this work, most folks want the template or checklist so they can leap into taking the ‘right’ action.

But becoming an inclusive leader and legacy-maker requires…

… of how insidious & deeply entrenched racism is within our systems, institutions, businesses, and way of life

… of your biases and how you are unknowingly aiding racism whenever you are silent

… of the experiences of being a Person of Colour

When you are AWARE of what the problem is, then you are able to take action toward challenging the status quo and bringing about change. 

… toward using your voice to influence the members of the tables at which you sit, be it the dinner table, boardroom table, or virtual table

… toward leading in a way that calls the white people in your communities into this work

… toward building a human-centric business that serves ALL people equitably, and inclusively

When you consistently take informed, meaningful ACTION, then you become a true genuine ally and advocate for People of Colour.

… by moving beyond ticking boxes and being handed the ‘do’s and don’ts’ and instead be able to apply your own critical thought

… by overcoming the constraints of toxic perfectionism and the need to get it right, and instead be willing to get in the arena, get messy, and learn from your mis-steps

… by continuously working toward embedding inclusivity within every layer of your business from your hiring to systems to services to content (and more)

When you EMBODY this work over the long-run, then you make the kind of changes that’ll create a legacy in this lifetime.

Inside REPRESENTED I’ll guide you through all three so you can equitably build a racially inclusive, income generating business with integrity.

Wondering what that’ll look like in the context of your business?

Taking little steps that are symptomatic to the deeper work being done such as:

Improving your skills as a space holder - especially for those with marginalised identities, because you have a deeper understanding of your internalised biases, and their lived or generational challenges.

Knowing how to structure and when to implement scholarship programs so they are sustainable for your businesses bottom line and of deep service to those you’re trying to support.

Creating authentic and deeply meaningful community guidelines inside group programs/membership that isn’t just a regurgitation of the Facebook/Meta rules.

The ability for your clients, students or members to leave completely anonymous feedback on your inclusivity so you can continue to grow and improve on your inclusion journey.

Establishing relationships with People of the Global Majority and inviting them as valued guests who you compensate for their time and expertise so your clients are learning to hear from people who look and sound different from them.

Providing your clients with additional resources to support the work you do such as articles, publications, videos, journals etc from culturally and ethnically diverse voices to enhance their learning and appreciate hearing from diverse thought leaders.

Becoming discerning about which speaker panels and speaking opportunities you choose to be a part of so you are part of more racially diverse speakers and not just a white cast.

When you begin to embody inclusion, it becomes a way of life and how you do business, no longer a performative exercise but rather one truly steeped in serving people from ALL backgrounds.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the process:



Diversity Equity and Inclusion - Beyond Skin Deep

Through conversation and resources between calls, you’ll expand your awareness of DEI work, leaving this module:

Confident in inclusive language, so you know you’ll be able to speak to People of Colour and about issues of race in a way that minimises further harm.

Profoundly understanding the experience of people of colour, so you can start to view the world and its issues through that lens (which is crucial for attracting and working with the people who never get to take the lens off).



Personal and Business Audit

With the foundations in place, you’ll start to transition from awareness into action. In this module, you’ll get:

A clear picture of what work still needs to be done within your business so you can hold yourself accountable to your specific areas of work.

Laser-focused on what implicit or unconscious biases may be lurking in your life and business.

Clear on the role racism plays in business, both historically and today, so you can actively work to make your programs and business dealings more inclusive and equitable.

Guidance on where to start addressing inequities in your business and how you can move forward knowing your business is expansive and inclusive



Conscious Inclusion

With a newly revealed vision of unconscious bias, it’s time to move to conscious inclusion and learn actionable strategies for:

Inclusive collaboration and hiring, so your business can thrive with different perspectives and skill sets to foster more inclusive growth.

Avoiding unintended microaggressions in your marketing, the ways you show up, and in any other aspect of your business.

Authentically presenting your business as one that’s inclusive and living up to that promise.



Allyship and Advocacy

We’ll wrap up our time together by exploring how you can be a genuine ally and advocate for People of Colour. In this final module, I’ll teach you:

The differences between being an ally and an advocate and WHY it is massively important for the longevity of your business.

When you should call people out and when to call them in.

How to become an advocate without centring yourself or whiteness, so that you can be a trusted ally and business champion for People of Colour.

Strategies for DEI sustainability at home and at work when the world feels ugly.

Plus, you’ll also get access to these two bonus modules:


Australian Aboriginal Culture Awareness

with Nartarsha Bamblett

Nartarsha shares her journey as an Aboriginal woman navigating a white Australia. She unpacks her leadership, wisdom and how you can help bring unity to spaces where the wounds are generations deep.


with Hema Kangeson

If your DEI is not intersectional, you’re really being exclusive instead of inclusive. In this bonus module, Hema will help you understand what that means and how you can embrace intersectionality in your life and business.

By the end of our time together, you’ll be able to establish yourself firmly as a racially informed business leader who doesn’t just think about inclusion, but who also takes action and makes racial equity a focus that’s baked into the growth of your business.

Upon completion you will receive a certificate to mark this major milestone. You will also receive a REPRESENTED badge which you can upload on your website sharing you’ve undertaken education on building a racially equitable life & business.

Ready to build a profitable, sustainable and inclusive business that will thrive for years to come?

Choose your payment option:

For a limited time until the end of June, I’m offering $200 off REPRESENTED as part of my EOFY special – enter coupon code EOFY at the checkout.



1 x payment
of $1497 AUD



3x monthly payments of $529 AUD



6x monthly payments of $264.50 AUD

By the end of our time together, you’ll be able to establish yourself firmly as a business leader who doesn’t just talk about DEI, but who also takes action and makes racial equity a focus that’s baked into everything you do.

Course Calendar


Welcome Ceremony – Thursday 26th September

Module 1

Friday 27th September
Group Coaching Call #1 – Thursday 10th October


Friday 11th October
Group Coaching Call #2 – Thursday 24th October

Module 3

Friday 25th October
Group Coaching Call #3 – Thursday 7th November


Friday 8th November
Group Coaching Call #4 – Thursday 21st November


Closing Ceremony – Thursday 5th December

Here’s how you’ll be supported to grow your business through the lens of racial inclusion…

Our 10 weeks together commences by getting real and vulnerable about where you’re at and the change you’re ready to make in your business and life.

It’s where you’ll:

👉🏾 Get to know the like-hearted business owners you’ll be journeying with (and who will likely be future collaborators, clients, and friends)

👉🏾 Get to know me as I openly share my lived experiences of being a Black migrant woman

👉🏾 Set the tone for the way this work will unfold over the next 10 weeks and beyond.

This work is not something that can be rushed, which is why each fortnight you’ll be drip fed content that will move you through the stages of awareness, action, and allyship while leaving space for reflection and integration each step of the way.

The bite-sized lessons are intentionally designed for you to study at your own pace and can either be watched or listened to on the go – podcast style.

Accompanying workbooks and supplementary resources will give you the opportunity to digest the learnings and take action toward implementing your new found knowledge within your business and life.

Considered the heart of the program, these intimate sessions are where the true transformation takes place.

It’s where:

👉🏾 You can do some real time soul-deep self-reflection, have your questions answered, and be coached through your process of building a business where representation is at the fore.

👉🏾 You’ll be inspired, and have your learning enriched by the questions, shares, actions, and mis-steps of the other like hearted humans doing this work alongside you.

👉🏾 You realise you might only be one person, but collectively as a group of business owners committed to this work, you’re a force!

👉🏾 You’ll be lovingly guided, corrected and called deeper into this work and your understanding of the experience of People of Colour.

There’s something magical that happens when like-hearted women come together for a cause dear to their hearts…

When you join REPRESENTED, you’re joining a group of business owners dedicated to creating equitable and inclusive businesses that are sustainably profitable.

And inside the Facebook Community you’ll have the opportunity to deepen these relationships, share your questions, challenges and wins, and receive ongoing, real-time support outside of the coaching sessions.

This work is vast and deep. It’s my intention that REPRESENTED is the catalyst for expanding your clients base and income.

To get you started, I’ve curated a resource library of materials that compliment each of the modules. These podcasts, videos, books, and articles are designed to serve as a launch pad for further research, exploration, and inquiry.

We’ll come full circle by wrapping up our time together reflecting on where you entered this work 10 weeks ago in the opening ceremony and celebrating the progress you’ve made toward leading a life and business that’s equitable, inclusive and profitable.

While this is where the program ends, it’s just the beginning of your lifelong journey of inclusion and sustainably building a profitable business.

REPRESENTED is more than just a DEI course

It takes you on a deep journey of self-discovery, emerging on the other side with a deep desire to take heart-led, human-centric action toward building an inclusive business that not only serves the highest version of yourself, but also your clients.

Which will unlock the ability to reach a wider audience with right-fit clients so you can grow your influence and impact even more lives.

Start building your heart-led, human-centric, revenue generating business today

Choose your payment option:

Get Instant Access  To The Pre-Work For Only $500 with nothing more to pay until the next live round in September 2024.




$500 deposit now,
$1000 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
6x monthly payments of $166.70 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
12x monthly payments of $83.35 AUD later

Start building

your heart-led, human-centric business today

Pay in Full

  • 4 x bite-sized content modules (with supporting workbooks)
  • 4 x intimate group coaching calls
  • 1 x opening ceremony
  • 1 x closing ceremony
  • Resource library
  • Facebook community
  • 2 x bonus masterclasses

1 x payment of $1497

Payment Plan

  • 4 x bite-sized content modules (with supporting workbooks)
  • 4 x intimate group coaching calls
  • 1 x opening ceremony
  • 1 x closing ceremony
  • Resource library
  • Facebook community
  • 2 x bonus masterclasses

3x monthly payments of $529 or 6x monthly payments of $264.50

V I P Experience

If you’re the kind of person who needs individualised support as you unpack and integrate the material, I’ve got you covered with the VIP Experience.

In addition to the entire program, you’ll also get 4 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions to ask those uncomfortable questions and have the space held for you without judgement or pressure.

Plus, as a VIP, you’ll get a BONUS 90 minute DEI masterclass tailored specifically to your team or group program (valued at $2000 AUD).

When you’re able to embody inclusivity, that’s when you know you are a leader and someone whose business is going to thrive in the long term.

It’s no longer about ticking boxes and ensuring you have the exact right thing to say without causing harm. It becomes your way of life.

When you’re tuned into your reasons for doing this work, when you understand more about what is happening and why, when you know what to say and do the next time a tragedy strikes, that is when you have an expansive business that serves a diverse group of clients.

Not led by fear, but led by your heart to do what you know is right!

And that means long-term profitability, the opportunity for you to be an inclusive leader, and legacy-maker.

The rewards of implementing DEI practices in your business extend beyond being the right thing to do – they also increase your businesses sustainability and bottom line in the long term.

This work is huge. It can feel overwhelming. And when there’s so much to do, it’s hard to even know where to begin… especially among all the other things competing for your time and attention while you grow your business.

But as a business owner, I know you are a master of making time for things that are a priority for your future success. And by making this work a priority now, you’re showing (yourself and those who are watching you) that you care about eliminating racism and are willing to do something about it.

Of course, if you’re willing to invest more time, there’s plenty more to dive into with our bonus modules, curated resource library, and conversations with others in your cohort.

And here’s the thing friend, some progress is better than none at all. Time will pass by really fast and life might get in the way BUT this is work worth investing in because you will see the results in the long-run; a business that is both sustainable and profitable. A business that makes you feel proud when you see the lives you are impacting and the communities you are transforming. And the best part…you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course content on the learning portal.

Got 30 minutes per week?

Great, you can watch/listen to the module lessons

Got an hour per week?

That’s all the time you need to watch/listen to the module lessons and complete the workbook exercises.

Got 90 minutes per week?

Wonderful, you’ll be able to watch/listen to the module lessons, complete the workbook exercises and attend group calls.

Start building your heart-led, human-centric, revenue generating business today

Choose your payment option:

Get Instant Access  To The Pre-Work For Only $500 with nothing more to pay until the next live round in September 2024.




$500 deposit now,
$1000 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
6x monthly payments of $166.70 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
12x monthly payments of $83.35 AUD later

You’ve almost made it to the bottom – perhaps one of these myths and misconceptions are holding you back from building a racially inclusive & equitable business…

Almost everyone who gets involved with this important work has this fear.

And I won’t sugarcoat it. This work can feel and sometimes is really messy.

It’s going to be that way – even if you do nothing.

But when you commit to educating yourself, your understanding will deepen, and you’ll be able to shift from a place of fear and apprehension to a place of not being silent anymore and taking allied action.

There is a lot of information out there, and it isn’t all in agreement. It can be difficult to discern who to listen to.

Especially in a still-evolving area, like diversity and inclusion, there will always be a chance of mistakes.

The question is: are you going to be prepared if they do happen?

You’ve already shown you’re willing to get into messy spaces.

You’re a trail-blazing business owner.

It is messy. AND it’s rewarding.

My approach as a DEI educator is not focused on blaming or shaming. My goal is to have real conversations in a brave space, so you can fully give yourself to the process.

What I know to be true having supported several online business owners on their inclusion journey is this…asking this question often comes up when they are not plugged in and doing the work of racial equity. When you make knee-jerk reactions to situations in the headlines and deep down you know there’s plenty you haven’t done or understand.

This is why prioritising your learning in this work is the answer to ensuring you are not being performative or virtue signalling because when you are investing your time and money, even when you get certain things wrong, you know deep down, there’s nothing performative about it.

This is probably one of the most harmful statements I hear well-meaning white business owners say when it comes to not feeling equipped to speak up. You see when you take the default position of being muted and listening, there’s really no accountability on your end. It simply becomes a case of letting BIPOC actively speak up on these issues when in truth what is needed is your voice too. Not your perfectly curated voice but your sometimes trembling, stumering voice that isn’t perfect at all but with time will grow into confidence that will shake the foundations of this uncomfortable and necessary work.

Let me turn that question around and ask you – why not you?

… Because you’re not a Person of Colour?

… Because you’re just one person?

… Because you don’t think you can make a difference?

Let’s take a look at the evidence:

You may not be a Person of Colour. But this work cannot be done by People of Colour alone. If that were true, we would’ve had this figured out long ago. We wouldn’t be where we are.

Allies, particularly those with influence and empathy, are vital to the work.

And while living in a bubble is something white people have the privilege to do, it’s not a sustainable practice for anyone in a leadership position.

It takes everyone – including you – to affect positive change.

You started a business because you believed you could create change and impact the lives of those you worked with. This work is a continuation of that.

The truth – and the good news – is that you, as a white woman business owner, are in a unique position to create racial equity.

REPRESENTED is your chance to move from awareness to action and into allyship in a truly brave space where you can…

Ask questions big and small about everything related to racial equity with zero judgement, shame, or belittling. A place where you’ll be held with grace and always receive a compassionate answer.

Be part of a community of other women who are also business owners. Together, we’ll:

Give each other grace

Listen and, when asked for, give feedback

Maintain confidentiality

Learn from one another

Grow cooperatively in this challenging but necessary work.

Get expertise from a Black migrant woman who has had the experience of both growing up in the racial majority and working through academia and corporate as a minority.

By the end of our time together, you’ll be able to establish yourself firmly as a business leader who doesn’t just talk about DEI, but who takes action and makes racial equality a focus that’s baked into everything you do.

REPRESENTED has changed everything. It’s changed how I look through the lens of antiracism now, whereas I didn’t before, so that’s been a massive change and difference. It’s almost like having your eyes open to a whole other way to look at the world.

Kelly Allen
​​Ethical Marketing Copywriter

If you are unsure about where to start or what to do, or what the whole “leading a racially inclusive business” even means then REPRESENTED is a programme I can highly recommend. You don’t need to go anywhere else. I did a lot of research. I looked at different programmes in different parts of the world and kept coming back to Anne’s programme and to REPRESENTED.

Shannon Dunn
Business & Leadership Coach, Speaker & Author

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions compassionate leaders asked before saying yes to REPRESENTED

When you join REPRESENTED, you’ll get access to four twice-monthly calls, four core modules dripped fortnightly (complete with workbooks and resources for self-paced study), access to my personal online library of resources to help you dig deeper into the issues that challenge you the most on this journey, and access to an exclusive, private Facebook group.

Plus you’ll also get the following bonus masterclass recordings:

Bonus #1 – Australian Aboriginal Cultural Awareness with Nartarsha Bamblett

Nartarsha shares her journey as an Indigenous leader, First Nations wisdom, and how you can help bring unity to spaces where the wounds are generations deep.

Bonus #2 – Intersectionality with Hema Kangeson

If your DEI is not intersectional, you’re really being exclusive instead of inclusive. In this masterclass, Hema will help you unpack what that means and how you can embrace intersectionality in your life and business.

To be time-zone inclusive, calls are held at the following times. You only need to attend one call which works best for your time zone.

Group Coaching Call 1: 10am AEST/AEDT (Convert to your time zone HERE )

Group Coaching Call 2: 7pm AEST/AEDT (Convert to your time zone HERE)

All calls are recorded, and replays are available in the program portal within 24 hours of the call.

This work is huge. It can feel overwhelming. And when there’s so much to do, it’s hard to even know where to begin… especially among all the other things competing for your time and attention while you grow your business.

But as a business owner, I know you are a master of making time for things that are a priority for your future success. And by making this work a priority now, you’re showing (yourself and those who are watching you) that you care about eliminating racism and are willing to do something about it.

Got 30 minutes per week? Great, you can watch/listen to the module lessons.

Got an hour per week? That’s all the time you need to watch/listen to the module lessons and complete the workbook exercises.

Got 90 minutes per week? Wonderful, you’ll be able to watch/listen to the module lessons, complete the workbook exercises and attend group calls.

Of course, if you’re willing to invest more time, there’s plenty more to dive into with our bonus modules, curated resource library, and conversations with others in your cohort.

And here’s the thing friend, some progress is better than none at all. Time will pass by really fast and life might get in the way BUT this is work worth investing in because you will see the results in the long-run; a business that is both sustainable and profitable. A business that makes you feel proud when you see the lives you are impacting and the communities you are transforming. And the best part…you’ll have lifetime access to the program.

I’m so glad you said this because herein lies the core of the problem. The belief that just because you already serve BIPOC you are being inclusive isn’t actually true – in fact it actually prevents people from stepping into this necessary work of deepening their awareness and education.

IF you haven’t done, or continue to do the work of racial equity it will be difficult to meaningfully support clients who have marginalised identities because you will not know how to hold space for them nor will they feel safe to share what might be getting in the way of their progress.

Whereas when you understand the challenges, setbacks and barriers that exist for racially marginalised people you are trauma aware and informed to hold the kind of space that will help them make strides forward. They won’t have to do the heavy lifting of educating you. You will be practising both allyship as well as supporting them in the way that makes the most profound difference for them.

100% it is for YOU. When I created REPRESENTED I had white women online business owners in mind but as the course has been taken by over 100 women and many of those have been women of colour they have found it to be such an eye-opener particularly around their internalised racism. It has given them permission to navigate the white spaces they occupy with much more knowledge and unapologetically bring their whole-selves to those spaces.

Four words for you: Come As You Are!!

Everyone who comes into this space is risking being vulnerable. The best place to begin REPRESENTED is with a beginner’s mind.

Whether you’ve been watching from the side-lines or marching in the streets, REPRESENTED will provide you with a fresh lens on racism and provide a brave space for your journey to empowered action for racial equity.

This is, by far, the most common concern I get. And I get it – truly. We’ve seen others get called out, cancelled and even doxxed, and I understand that can feel really scary.

But that is not my approach. REPRESENTED is a confidential, brave place for you to come learn, engage, and grow. I give you full permission to show up messy. To say things wrong. To get things wrong. I give you unabashed permission to respectfully show up as you are and give yourself to this process without fear of retribution.

To my friends who grapple with this, I have to tell you, this is going to happen. In the same way that you cannot protect your children from everything – they will scrape knees and have broken hearts someday – this work can be painful. You will say the wrong things. You might unintentionally cause harm. But that is part of this process.

And staying in the mindset of “I can’t do this work because it could cause harm,” is a symptom of toxic perfectionism AND inadvertently doing more harm. If you don’t know better, you can’t do better.

Again, you get to come as you are – messy and imperfect. And sometimes the best lessons are learnt through doing and making mistakes and also from others that have made mistakes.

I cannot overstate the need to pace yourself in this work. It’s a marathon and not a sprint. There’s no finish line; in fact if anything, you get to pass on the baton. There are times you will need to take a break and come back refreshed for the journey. That is ok as long as you get back into it because we need you.

Creating a more equitable and inclusive business is not a matter of checking things off lists. It’s work that must be done on an ongoing basis, indefinitely. You can start anywhere, but the important part is that you actually start. That you get in the room with DEI educators who are ready to meet you where you are and begin this journey.

When you first started your business, there was a huge learning curve. But you kept at it, took steps every day, and refused to quit. That is the commitment required for this work too, and you’ve already seen that you’re capable of it!

No experience – other than your human experience – is necessary.

This is not work in the traditional sense where you come to the table with your degree and resume. This is human work. It comes with being a white person who benefits from a system that allows you to thrive at the expense of those who are not white.

There are no pre-qualifying courses or books. All you need to do is join the conversation, learn, and then take action.

This question usually comes from a place of not wanting to cause harm and ensure that your business is as inclusive and equitable as possible. I totally get that.

But my role is not to make every decision for you or control the words you speak. In the same way that you don’t call your business coach every time you have to make a decision, my role is to guide and offer perspective so that YOU can feel empowered to take allied action.

The better question here is, do you trust yourself to approach this work from a human lens? Are you willing to do your own research and take messy action (knowing you’ll sometimes get it wrong)?

This work happens through lived experiences. When you come to the table with that lens, you’ll be empowered to be a leader and create change.


Racism is a big problem and making racial equity a reality takes everyone.

It’s going to take a lot of people that stop waiting for someone else to do something and instead jump in to take action from wherever they are.

You are someone – a someone with skills and influence – or you wouldn’t be a business owner.

If you are a solopreneur or a freelancer running things from your home, you are still interacting with people. You have a presence. You have business needs. REPRESENTED will teach you to show up in all those spaces with diversity and inclusion at the centre of everything you do.

We have 2 scholarship spots available which are partially funded (50%). You are welcome to apply for one of these spots HERE. Applicants will be notified the Monday prior to commencing REPRESENTED.

If you require further information, please email [email protected]

Please only apply if you are committed to showing up for the live group coaching sessions and fully participating in the program.

Brilliant, that tells me you’re a deep thinker!

Send your questions to [email protected] and I’ll send you a personal response.

Start building your heart-led, human-centric, revenue generating business today

Choose your payment option:

Get Instant Access  To The Pre-Work For Only $500 with nothing more to pay until the next live round in September 2024.




$500 deposit now,
$1000 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
6x monthly payments of $166.70 AUD later



$500 deposit now,
12x monthly payments of $83.35 AUD later

  • Learn about diversity and inclusion in a brave space. All questions are welcomed in REPRESENTED. Curiosity and the free exchange of ideas and experiences are met with kindness instead of hostility and judgement.
  • Show you genuinely care about diversity and inclusion. Any business can write and post a DEI statement on their website. You know that’s not enough.
  • Embrace that you have a role to play in solutions. You already know that racism is a big problem – to say the least. Awareness is just the first step. As a business owner and a white woman, you know you have influence and resources others may not. And you’re ready to start using them for good.
  • Dedicate the time to do what you can – right from where you are – to work towards racial equity. REPRESENTED is the place that works with white women business owners, from solopreneurs to corporate juggernauts, to make the spaces they occupy ones that are inclusive of all cultures. Each module is presented in manageable bites, so you can work on them between meetings or block off dedicated time on your calendar.
  • Trust in the expertise of a Black woman and work in partnership with her. There is understandably a lot of tension around race. Emotions can be high. Annie is a Black woman willing to step into the divide and be a bridge, working intimately with all people. If you’re ready to stand in that space with her to learn, heal, and grow, REPRESENTED is for you.
  • Finally move forward with actionable strategies to make Inclusion a reality in your business. There are a lot of podcasts, books, and posts about diversity and inclusion. But none of them are speaking only to you or know your business or your specific challenges. REPRESENTED is where you can get personalised guidance that can be applied to your unique situation.

If there were reaction buttons with comments here, and you’d be giving all sorts of hearts, thumbs up, hugs, hallelujahs, and throwing enthusiastic memes in the comments, REPRESENTED is most definitely for you.

You know that making our world more inclusive – where representation matters – is among the most important work of our time.

You know that we can’t afford to look aside.

You know that having a sustainably profitable and expansive business means you need to attract and speak authentically to The People of The Global Majority – and have the depth of knowledge to be able to actually hold space for and support them in a meaningful way.

And by now, you know there’s more you can be doing about it.

You are invited to step into your power, surrounded by loving support, to change your life and your business with REPRESENTED.

I acknowledge the Wiradjuri People as the original and true custodians of the land on which I operate.

© Annie Gichuru 2024 | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms

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