

APRIL 2025

The online course to help you build a racially equitable online business so you can be intentional inclusive.

YOU are the very reason I created REPRESENTED.

I wanted to provide a brave space for coaches, creatives and online business owners alike to unite in the experience of building a diverse, equitable and inclusive online business.

This program will support you to recognise the ways in which you can evolve your business so you are operating from a place of racial representation, having an understanding of what it means to be a genuine ally and advocate for people of colour.

This is your opportunity to build your business with integrity, and in alignment with your values so it thrives for years to come.

Course Calendar

April 2025 Dates


Opening Ceremony – Thursday 10th April

Module 1

Friday 11th April
Group Coaching Call #1 – Thursday 24th April



Friday 25th April
Group Coaching Call #2 – Thursday 8th May

Module 3

Friday 9th May
Group Coaching Call #3 – Thursday 22nd May


Friday 23rd May
Group Coaching Call #4 – Thursday 5th June



Closing Ceremony – Thursday 19th June
10AM and 7PM AEST

Find out more and secure your spot today for $2000 AUD (extended payment plans available)

Hear from past REPRESENTED participants

REPRESENTED has changed everything. It’s changed how I look through the lens of antiracism now, whereas I didn’t before, so that’s been a massive change and difference. It’s almost like having your eyes open to a whole other way to look at the world.

Kelly Allen

If it is important to you to see this world of ours, be a more just and fair place and you want to run a diverse, inclusive and equitable business – REPRESENTED is the programme that is going to help you do that.

Kerry Solomon – Confidence & Mindset Coach

This experience was transformational and Annie is a gifted space holder who created a brave space for us to enter, be honest and go beyond the surface.

Katie Kurtz – Trauma Informed Coach

REPRESENTED is an invaluable, necessary and heartfelt container, and Annie is so gifted, noticing and shining a light on our blind spots so that we can ultimately lean deeper into this work. 

Jessica Savage – Intuitive Mentor

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions compassionate leaders asked before saying yes to REPRESENTED

When you join REPRESENTED, you’ll get access to four twice-monthly calls, four core modules dripped fortnightly (complete with workbooks and resources for self-paced study), access to my personal online library of resources to help you dig deeper into the issues that challenge you the most on this journey, and access to an exclusive, private Facebook group.

Plus you’ll also get the following bonus masterclass recordings:

Bonus #1 – Australian Aboriginal Cultural Awareness with Nartarsha Bamblett

Nartarsha shares her journey as an Indigenous leader, First Nations wisdom, and how you can help bring unity to spaces where the wounds are generations deep.

Bonus #2 – Intersectionality with Hema Kangeson

If your DEI is not intersectional, you’re really being exclusive instead of inclusive. In this masterclass, Hema will help you unpack what that means and how you can embrace intersectionality in your life and business.

To be time-zone inclusive, calls are held at the following times. You only need to attend one call which works best for your time zone.

Group Coaching Call 1: 10am AEST/AEDT (Convert to your time zone HERE )

Group Coaching Call 2: 7pm AEST/AEDT (Convert to your time zone HERE)

All calls are recorded, and replays are available in the program portal within 24 hours of the call.

This work is huge. It can feel overwhelming. And when there’s so much to do, it’s hard to even know where to begin… especially among all the other things competing for your time and attention while you grow your business.

But as a business owner, I know you are a master of making time for things that are a priority for your future success. And by making this work a priority now, you’re showing (yourself and those who are watching you) that you care about eliminating racism and are willing to do something about it.

Got 30 minutes per week? Great, you can watch/listen to the module lessons.

Got an hour per week? That’s all the time you need to watch/listen to the module lessons and complete the workbook exercises.

Got 90 minutes per week? Wonderful, you’ll be able to watch/listen to the module lessons, complete the workbook exercises and attend group calls.

Of course, if you’re willing to invest more time, there’s plenty more to dive into with our bonus modules, curated resource library, and conversations with others in your cohort.

And here’s the thing friend, some progress is better than none at all. Time will pass by really fast and life might get in the way BUT this is work worth investing in because you will see the results in the long-run; a business that is both sustainable and profitable. A business that makes you feel proud when you see the lives you are impacting and the communities you are transforming. And the best part…you’ll have lifetime access to the program.

I’m so glad you said this because herein lies the core of the problem. The belief that just because you already serve BIPOC you are being inclusive isn’t actually true – in fact it actually prevents people from stepping into this necessary work of deepening their awareness and education.

IF you haven’t done, or continue to do the work of racial equity it will be difficult to meaningfully support clients who have marginalised identities because you will not know how to hold space for them nor will they feel safe to share what might be getting in the way of their progress.

Whereas when you understand the challenges, setbacks and barriers that exist for racially marginalised people you are trauma aware and informed to hold the kind of space that will help them make strides forward. They won’t have to do the heavy lifting of educating you. You will be practising both allyship as well as supporting them in the way that makes the most profound difference for them.

100% it is for YOU. When I created REPRESENTED I had white women online business owners in mind but as the course has been taken by over 100 women and many of those have been women of colour they have found it to be such an eye-opener particularly around their internalised racism. It has given them permission to navigate the white spaces they occupy with much more knowledge and unapologetically bring their whole-selves to those spaces.

Four words for you: Come As You Are!!

Everyone who comes into this space is risking being vulnerable. The best place to begin REPRESENTED is with a beginner’s mind.

Whether you’ve been watching from the side-lines or marching in the streets, REPRESENTED will provide you with a fresh lens on racism and provide a brave space for your journey to empowered action for racial equity.

This is, by far, the most common concern I get. And I get it – truly. We’ve seen others get called out, cancelled and even doxxed, and I understand that can feel really scary.

But that is not my approach. REPRESENTED is a confidential, brave place for you to come learn, engage, and grow. I give you full permission to show up messy. To say things wrong. To get things wrong. I give you unabashed permission to respectfully show up as you are and give yourself to this process without fear of retribution.

To my friends who grapple with this, I have to tell you, this is going to happen. In the same way that you cannot protect your children from everything – they will scrape knees and have broken hearts someday – this work can be painful. You will say the wrong things. You might unintentionally cause harm. But that is part of this process.

And staying in the mindset of “I can’t do this work because it could cause harm,” is a symptom of toxic perfectionism AND inadvertently doing more harm. If you don’t know better, you can’t do better.

Again, you get to come as you are – messy and imperfect. And sometimes the best lessons are learnt through doing and making mistakes and also from others that have made mistakes.

I cannot overstate the need to pace yourself in this work. It’s a marathon and not a sprint. There’s no finish line; in fact if anything, you get to pass on the baton. There are times you will need to take a break and come back refreshed for the journey. That is ok as long as you get back into it because we need you.

Creating a more equitable and inclusive business is not a matter of checking things off lists. It’s work that must be done on an ongoing basis, indefinitely. You can start anywhere, but the important part is that you actually start. That you get in the room with DEI educators who are ready to meet you where you are and begin this journey.

When you first started your business, there was a huge learning curve. But you kept at it, took steps every day, and refused to quit. That is the commitment required for this work too, and you’ve already seen that you’re capable of it!

No experience – other than your human experience – is necessary.

This is not work in the traditional sense where you come to the table with your degree and resume. This is human work. It comes with being a white person who benefits from a system that allows you to thrive at the expense of those who are not white.

There are no pre-qualifying courses or books. All you need to do is join the conversation, learn, and then take action.

This question usually comes from a place of not wanting to cause harm and ensure that your business is as inclusive and equitable as possible. I totally get that.

But my role is not to make every decision for you or control the words you speak. In the same way that you don’t call your business coach every time you have to make a decision, my role is to guide and offer perspective so that YOU can feel empowered to take allied action.

The better question here is, do you trust yourself to approach this work from a human lens? Are you willing to do your own research and take messy action (knowing you’ll sometimes get it wrong)?

This work happens through lived experiences. When you come to the table with that lens, you’ll be empowered to be a leader and create change.


Racism is a big problem and making racial equity a reality takes everyone.

It’s going to take a lot of people that stop waiting for someone else to do something and instead jump in to take action from wherever they are.

You are someone – a someone with skills and influence – or you wouldn’t be a business owner.

If you are a solopreneur or a freelancer running things from your home, you are still interacting with people. You have a presence. You have business needs. REPRESENTED will teach you to show up in all those spaces with diversity and inclusion at the centre of everything you do.

Whilst REPRESENTED is pitched to online business owners it is not just for the benefit of those who have businesses. 

The work of racial equity is personal and requires self-interrogation and self-reflection in order to begin the journey of unlearning and re-learning how to be racially inclusive. 

REPRESENTED has been described as a course that all humans should undertake in order to play a role in making our communities more inclusive and safer for people of colour to belong.

We have 2 scholarship spots available which are partially funded (50%). You are welcome to apply for one of these spots HERE. Applicants will be notified the Monday prior to commencing REPRESENTED.

If you require further information, please email [email protected]

Please only apply if you are committed to showing up for the live group coaching sessions and fully participating in the program.

Brilliant, that tells me you’re a deep thinker!

Send your questions to [email protected] and I’ll send you a personal response.

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