

Uplifting Studios TV Season 3 Episode 7 with Kim Marie Smith. How she overcame deep pain from bullying and loneliness and learnt to stand strong and live a life of purpose and influence.



Anything in life is possible. If you believe in yourself and you take action and you know what you want and it’s in a space of such goodwill and service and such a heart centred space anything is possible.”

It was the year 2000 when Kim Marie Smith had an encounter with a young girl that would sow seeds for a project that would only come to fruition 14 years later.

Why, you ask, did the encounter with the young girl leave such an impression?

The young girl transported Kim back to her own painful years as a child and teen and it was in this moment Kim realised, ‘I want to do something to help someone else who has gone through what I went through.” 

14 years later her yearning to help others became a reality with the launch of an incredible initiative designed and implemented by Kim called Standing Strong,

Today in Australia and some parts of the world, families have the opportunity to be part of the Standing Strong program in their local community. 

Offering hope and a space to teach holistic practices around body, mind and heart, children right through to teenagers and parents are welcomed into a happy place where confidence is built, friendships are formed and where kindness, acceptance and belonging is paramount.

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Kim’s line of work is increasingly becoming an essential need within every community. As young people and families face rising mental and wellbeing challenges, Standing Strong is a beacon of hope and stability and with influential people like Oprah endorsing it, the impact of this program has only just begun.

Just like Kim never gave up on her dream, you don’t have to give up on yours either. Standing Strong took 14 years from idea to inception. It’s never too late to step out and step up into your life’s purpose.

Connect with Kim Marie Smith

Website https://standingstrongclubs.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StandingStrongClubs/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/standingstrongclubs/


On Where Her Inspiration For Standing Strong Came From 

“Other people are going through what I went through. And that was another huge trigger for me to go, ‘I want to help’…. I want to do something to help someone else who has gone through what I went through.” 

“That was when I had the first vision of a club or a space where children could go to move their bodies, to talk about what’s going on in their life and to learn skills to get through the challenges they’re facing.” 

“Anything is possible. Anything in life is possible. If you believe in yourself and you take action and you know what you want and it’s in a space of such goodwill and service and such a heart centred space anything is possible.”

On Hope and Vision 

“What I want for the world and what I want the impact of Standing Strong to be is to 1) give children a space to share who they are and to feel it themselves. Because what’s lacking is a space for children to actually build that connection with themselves.”

“I want to create those spaces where they can actually stop and find who they are within this crazy world.”

“I just want a culture shift in what we’re doing. That emotions don’t need to be extreme in terms of how we feel about them… emotional challenges we go through… that they’re a part of everyday life.”

“Everyone has good days and bad days. Everyone has ups and downs. It needs to become a part of everyday life to support children and families through the challenges they’re going through without them feeling that there is stigma or a negative association with that.”

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With Love,



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