One of the things a lot of business owners that I support say is, “I want to have an inclusive business, but I don’t know how to do that, Annie”.
You will continue to attract the kind of clients who look and sound like you because those are the clients with you are predominantly speaking to.
So how do you attract clients who come from diverse backgrounds?
The number one thing you can do is to expand your network.
It is as simple as going onto your social media and having a look at:
Who are people I am supporting in my social media feed?
Who are the people I follow?
Who are the people I like and comment on?
Who are the people I purchase from?
Begin to expand your network by looking for people who don’t look or sound like you and also share your values.
As you begin to expand your network you will begin to make connections, those connections will potentially lead you to serving and attracting different people, people from racially diverse backgrounds.
If you would like to hear more tips on how to become more inclusive in your business, head over to my website where I share lots of resources www.upliftingstudios.com.au
With Love,