

Uplifting Studios TV Season 3: Episode 2 with Sidhara Udalagama. How her faith and fitness built confidence.



You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘life is a series of moments’ but what if a life moment could impact you enough to propel you to become who you were created to be?

Sidhara Udalagama is no stranger to life moments such as these and this episode looks at two pivotal moments which helped to steer her life to where she is today.

From a uni student who was on track to climb the corporate ladder but felt led to follow a different direction, to seeing a photo which would change everything about the way she showed love to her body; Sidhara delivers her story from the heart and empowers others through her account of finding strength. 

If you feel you have limitations or you feel you’re being held back from what you’re created to do, I encourage you to experience the second episode of Season 3 and discover Sidhara’s powerful story fuelled by faith and fitness.

You are invited into Sidhara’s transformation which beautifully displays the connection between our bodies and our mindset.

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Sidhara Udalagama’s steps to physical transformation:

  1. Change only comes when you are discontent with where you are at.

  2. Get help- external motivation (For Sidhara this meant working with a personal trainer).

  3. When you see a little result then you will believe for something more.

  4. Be disciplined– “I believe that anyone who wants to do anything and change anything truly has to want it. Other people can’t want it for you. You can’t think this is what I should do. You have to really desire it.”

  5. Change because you love yourself not because you don’t.

  6. Always believe for better and always believe for more.

  7. Do the next right thing – Take a step from a to b. All you need to do is change one small thing at a time.

  8. Remember the Kaizen Principle- A series of small changes will eventually add up to be a big massive change.

Connect with Sidhara

Instagram @sidharau


On faith and life

I believe God has a plan for all of us. 

I believe that we are here for our purpose and our lives have significance and our lives matter.

I didn’t want to be somewhere that I didn’t think I was going to be the best that I was created to be.

When you know that’s the right thing, I think it’s easy to be brave and to make decisions….. it doesn’t then so much matter that it’s not understandable to everybody or doesn’t make sense to everyone around.

Everybody’s going to have an opinion… and at some point in our lives we have to make a decision whether we are going to live for other people or live for who we know we truly are.

On fitness and unshackling self-limiting beliefs

Change only comes when we are discontent enough with where we are at.

I think I can’t do it but that doesn’t make it true. It just means I have a wrong thought in my head.

It requires discipline, and that’s why you have to have a desire. I believe that anyone who wants to do anything and change anything truly have to want it. Other people can’t want it for you. You can’t think this is what I should do. You have to really desire it.

Change because you love yourself not because you don’t.

Physical fitness has an impact on every other area of my life.

When you learn to push yourself and gain confidence physically and when you learn to break through barriers and push boundaries and when you realise you are better than you thought you were and can get to goals you never thought you could reach that has a knock-on effect.

You can always believe for better and always believe for more.

We’re more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

We as people are more resilient than we think we are.

Tomorrow is always a new day and tomorrow means there’s new opportunities.

Do the next right thing. Take a step from a to b. All you need to do is change one small thing 

The Kaizen principle- A series of small changes will eventually add up to be a big massive change. 

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With Love,



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