

How to find courage. Seven actions to help you face your fears so you can start living a courage filled life today.



How to find courage. Seven actions to help you face your fears so you can start living a courage filled life today.

Would you use the word ‘courageous’ to describe yourself? Do you show up in life with courage? Or perhaps you’re more inclined to call yourself careful and conservative? If you want to discover how to begin living courageously, this blog covers off 7 actions to help you face your fears so you can start living a courage filled life.

 I’m no stranger to living carefully and conservatively. For a long time I desperately wanted to live with courage and I’m happy to say my story is one of hope. 

I changed my path by making one intentional courageous choice after another and if you haven’t done so already, I think you’d love to read my story about overcoming self-limiting beliefs here.

Right now I want to take you back to the beginning of 2020 when I read the book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, (a book I would recommend to anyone who wants to live more courageously) which in many ways prepared me to launch Uplifting Studios.

Whilst the beginning of my transformation goes back several years, I knew in 2020 my heart was pulling me towards launching a platform that inspired women in a new way. It’s easy enough to write these words now but at the time I was uncertain about what the change might look like and how I would get there.

To put the wheels in motion, I knew it would take courage. More courage than I had at the time. I’m thankful to say that somehow I was able to dig really deep and muster just enough courage. 

I wouldn’t say it was a bold daring courage but ‘enough’. Sometimes enough is all it takes and somehow my desire to make a difference and impact the lives of others far outweighed my fears.

What exactly is courage? Courage is doing something despite feeling fearful or frightened. 

No-one is confident, carefree, self-assured and certain all the time. Even the most sure of themselves people aren’t always filled with courage. 

With this thought in mind, do you feel it’s ok to be scared or frightened? That it’s ok to not feel brave and to feel weak and fearful?

I want you to allow this truth to sink in. It is ok to fear. This may seem a little radical but opening up to your fears instead of being paralysed by them is how you will conquer them

You don’t have to hang your head in disgrace. You are not a disgrace. You are human and humans feel emotion. One of those emotions is fear. As with most emotions it’s how we respond to the emotion that matters most. Do we allow fear to own us or do we combat fear with courage?

Did you know choosing courage is often harder than giving into fear?! But the reward for courage is so much greater.

I absolutely love thinking about the possibilities that live beyond our fears and this quote by Mel Robbins sums it up very well, ‘One moment of courage can change your day. One day can change your life. And one life can change the world’.

So how do you become more brave and begin to exercise courage?

Here’s My 7 Actions To Begin Facing Your Fears And Start Feeling More Courageous: 

  1. Admit And Acknowledge Your Fears– You don’t need to run from them or suppress them anymore. Their power is removed when you identify them.

  2. Accept that Courage Takes Time– It’s ok to be scared, fearful and vulnerable on your journey. Be kind to yourself and accept that no-one lives entirely free of fear.

  3. Take Action By Simply Beginning- There will never be a perfect time so take those baby steps. It takes one brave decision at a time.

  4. Do Something You’ve Never Done Before- When we try something outside our comfort zone we get better at managing our response to fear. It could be something as small as inviting guests over for dinner. Start on it today. The more we act courageously the sooner we’ll begin to feel courageous.

  5. Dare To Imagine What Life Might Look Like On The Other Side Of The Brave Step. If you can see it you will believe it. Allow yourself to get excited about even the smallest achievements and celebrate them.

  6. Get Inspired- Immerse yourself in stories of others who have overcome and surround yourself with people who inspire you to live more courageously. You can start right here with Uplifting Studios TV.

  7. Understand We All Face Setbacks and that we must bounce back from them and not allow them to define us.

Gorgeous, why don’t you take the time to consider Sheryl Sandberg’s famous words, ‘What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’ 

Do you want to make a difference and impact the lives of others? One sure way to begin feeling profound purpose is by fixing your thoughts on who you want to serve and the legacy you want to create. I promise the weight of your purpose will begin to far outweigh your fears.

Until next time, remember you are courageous and worthy and purposed to become great.

With Love,


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