March is a special month of celebrating women, amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights. While this celebration is necessary and I advocate for us to keep having it, it’s no longer enough. The glaring lack of racial equity at International Women’s Day (IWD) events, not just in Australia but in many countries, where Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour are still vastly underrepresented, makes it difficult to celebrate with enthusiasm. It is time to embrace equity and move from mere celebration to action.
Embracing equity requires a deeper understanding of what it means and its difference from equality. Equality is about treating everyone the same, but equity is about levelling the playing field to ensure everyone has fair access based on their individual circumstances. To embrace equity, we need to evaluate our spheres of influence and ask ourselves who is missing from this group and who is not represented. It goes beyond just having a diverse group of people; it is also about the conversations that we have and the values we instil in our loved ones.
Embracing equity is not just exciting; it is necessary, and it requires personal evaluation and lifelong work. This work cannot be done in isolation; it requires being in community with other like-minded individuals purposefully embracing equity work.
As an event organiser, embracing equity requires having a racially diverse panel of speakers and not just one because that often comes across as tokenist. Let the other speakers know who will be on the panel to avoid surprises. Take the time to organise a Welcome to Country ceremony or at the very least invite a First Nations person to give an Acknowledgment of Country. If you have people of colour on the speaker panel, pay them for their time. It’s part of closing the racial pay gap. Collect feedback at the end of the event and ask for ways to improve on the event next time. Ensure that you have a network of people from racially diverse backgrounds who you have or are building relationships with.
As an attendee of an event, embracing equity involves finding out who the speakers are and if there isn’t any racial representation, bringing it to the attention of the organisers. Extended an invitation to your network of people of colour. Most importantly, provide feedback on the event, especially if there was no racial representation on the speaker panel or even attendees. Attend events organised by people of colour as the issues discussed will be different from what is discussed in predominantly white spaces.
If you are not organising or attending an event, embracing equity involves examining your sphere of influence, such as your workplace, community, and personal relationships, and asking yourself who is missing or underrepresented. Make a conscious effort to diversify your network and engage with people from different backgrounds. Use your purchasing power to support businesses owned by people of colour and other underrepresented groups. Continue to do the work of evaluating and improving your own understanding of equity and how to promote it in your everyday life.
Embracing equity is not just about embracing diversity; it is about being intentional about inclusivity, representation, and fair access. We need to create space for everyone, and this requires more than just acknowledging people’s differences. We need to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to be seen, heard, and recognised for their contributions. As online coaches, we have the power to influence change and create a more equitable online space. It’s time to move beyond celebrating and start taking action. We must embrace equity, do the work, and be the change we want to see in the world. It’s up to us and we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
With Love,
How I can support you:
1) Wondering the best place to begin or continue your racial awareness journey? Discover your next step so you can take consistent and sustainable action. Take the Next Step Quiz
2) Want to build a racially equitable online business? Join the waitlist and be the first to find out when doors to my 10 week signature program REPRESENTED open in September 2023. Join REPRESENTED waitlist
3) Are you an emerging woman of colour coach ready to build a profitable and sustainable online coaching business? Get all the details and join the interest list