When I was about to complete my life coaching training, I remember there was a module where we were required to share what we think might get in the way of us pursuing being a coach. For me the biggest fear I had at the time was being visible. It was so terrifying to think of sharing my perspective publicly to people who didn’t know me and the thought of being judged negatively and potentially being bullied or trolled.
You see, I didn’t want to upset anyone. I just wanted to please everyone, be everyone’s friend and have a “lived happily ever after” kind of story. Gosh have I grown from that narrative. I’ve come to understand that in order to live out your full potential, you are going to do things that make you incredibly uncomfortable. And if you are waiting for the approval of everyone, you will not leave the starting line because not everyone will approve what you do. Not everyone is for you and you are not for everyone.
I don’t know if these are lessons that sink in deeper the older one gets but had you told me this in my teens, twenties and even thirties I would have shut it out of my mind. Finding the courage to be visible has taken a lot of behind the scenes work. I’ve learned I’ve got to show up for myself because no one is going to do that for me. I’ve got to use my voice, no one is going to speak on my behalf. When you come to terms with these realities and accept them, you begin to take imperfect action, wobbly action and sometimes you even fall down. But getting up and trying again, and again, and again is part of the process of building the muscle of courage.
3 things that have made a profound difference in having the courage to be visible in my business have been:
1️⃣ Getting very clear who my dream client is. This involved understanding who they are, what they do and the area they are struggling with so that I can support them. A dream client is someone who I want to work with, lights me up and I have the skills and expertise to support them.
2️⃣ Creating content that connects with the pain point my dream client is experience and being able to again and again address the issue and provide solutions they are willing to invest their time and money to see the result they desire.
3️⃣ Choosing a mode of communication that feels great for me to reach my dream client. For me it’s through video. I love to coach and teach using video because it’s a powerful tool to connect with someone and build rapport. It’s also a form of communication I enjoy and find it fairly easy to create on a consistent basis.
Being armed with those 3 elements in my work gives me the courage to be visible so my dream client can find me, engage with my work and find a solution to their problem. If you are a woman of colour emerging coach and you need support to build your coaching business, I invite you to sign up to my Free 5 day email series, From Corporate to Coaching. It will guide you on the steps to take to build an online coaching business and how to attract paying clients.
If you know a woman of colour coach who could benefit from this email series please send them this LINK so they can begin to take action on the dream coaching business they desire to build.
With Love,
How I can support you:
👉🏾 Want to build a racially equitable online business? Join the waitlist and be the first to find out when doors to my 10 week signature program REPRESENTED open in September 2023. Join REPRESENTED waitlist
👉🏾 Are you a woman of colour coach needing support to grow your coaching business? I’d love to help you attract paying clients. Find out more and book a free business strategy call. We’ll have a whole session to discuss where you are struggling most and a strategy to take with you.