This kind of mindset gets in the way of making progress because you are looking at this work from a tool kit perspective rather than a process that leads to embodiment.
In truth, there’s inner work that is required that supersedes any box ticking exercise you could ever do. It’s also coming to the realisation that this is very much a journey and there’s no short cut to the destination.
In order to embody something, it requires you to spend time in it. To study, ask questions, have powerful conversations, make time for reflection and self inquiry. This all takes time and it’s not a linear process where it is an upward process. Sometimes you will make steps forward and others backwords. You might think you have arrived but there’s still more to learn.
When you find yourself wanting to speed up the process and for someone to provide you with the quick fix tools ask yourself why this is the case.
If you’d like to take the time to study and understand the process it takes to be intentionally inclusive, I invite you to join my online program REPRESENTED where I teach you the process of building a racially equitable business. This all begins by doing the inner work that leads to embodiment.
Join the REPRESENTED waitlist here.
With love,