One of the most empowering and healing relationships in my life is the one I share with my business coach. She’s a white woman and we connected because she’d been called out publicly for not being inclusive.
I’ll share that story in full very soon, but it’s an excellent reminder that inclusive language matters now more than ever in the online space. And when it comes to choosing a coach I can invest in to support me to launch into the next level of my life and business, what they say or do not say carries a lot of weight in the decision making process.
Inclusive language isn’t just so that people from marginalised backgrounds can feel seen, it’s so much more than that. It’s a window into the kind of human being you are. Your willingness to challenge the status quo and serve ALL people (without worrying about how it comes across to your peers) is a direct reflection of your humanity.
The coaches I’ve said YES to made me feel like I actually matter AND they have an understanding of the fact that life as a person of colour can be pretty challenging in the business arena let alone doing life with a marginalised identity.
When you are intentionally inclusive you are also sharing your values. Values that connect like-hearted people who want to do business with those who care about the same things they do and want to live in a world where inclusion is embodied.
Having inclusive language is so much more than just “best practice”, it’s about human practice. Leading from a human lens rather than what has been deemed “best” by others who may not have had an inclusive lens when they labelled something “best practice.”
Take a moment and reflect on your business now. How much do you apply a human practice over what is deemed best practice? How are you showing up through your content and offers in an inclusive way that is helping you build a racially equitable business? Do you feel confident that the language you use in your content and on social media is inclusive and equitable?
If not (or if you’re not sure), I’d love for you to join me and many other heart-led businesses owners in my FREE 3 day Inclusive Language Intensive where I’ll support you to:
Connect with your personal why for doing this necessary work (most people find that their reasons are much deeper than they ever could have imagined)
Explore & unpack the concept of inclusive language + how it intersects at a personal/professional level (especially for heart-led businesses who are working for more than just profit – this is a legacy we’re building)
Learn the difference between authentic inclusivity and virtue signalling so your business attracts a diverse clientele for years to come (not just when boxes are checked)
Deep dive into your content and identify where you can be more inclusive (we’re talking much deeper than one statement on your About Page)
Learn the 5 key concepts it takes to provide safeR spaces for people of colour within your programs & offerings (so that you can become known as a leader for ALL kinds of people)
Grab your spot to join us here: https://www.upliftingstudios.com.au/inclusivelanguageintensive
With Love,