To a lot of white coaches I’ve spoken to in recent times, it’s come as a big surprise that people of colour are the global majority. But when you take the time to look at the numbers globally, you’ll quickly realise that people of colour make up a big number you cannot afford not to be serving both from an ethical and sustainability perspective.
So let’s have a look at the numbers shall we?
In terms of the world’s largest populations, here’s the top 10 countries according to world data info:
- China – 1,412 M
- India – 1,407.6 M
- USA – 331.9 M
- Indonesia – 273.8 M
- Pakistan – 231.4 M
- Brazil – 214.3 M
- Nigeria – 213.4 M
- Bangladesh – 169.4 M
- Russia – 143.4 M
- Mexico – 126.7 M
What this data is clearly showing us is that people of colour are the global majority and as an online business owner who is looking to grow your business you simply cannot keep putting aside racial representation in your business. This is work that needs to be prioritised sooner rather than later.
And here’s why…
The same way we’ve seen a shift in the events industry when it comes to speakers and there being a demand for more racial representation, I foresee the same thing happening in our online coaching industry. Clients regardless of their racial identity will start seeking out coaches, creatives and consultants who are racially inclusive and if they do not see this representation, they will simply look elsewhere.
So rather than wait until the time when everyone is trying to prioritise this work and potentially come across as performative, allow me to submit this to you. Start the process of prioritising racial equity work in your life and business now so that by the time we are getting to what I have described above, you will well and truly be an inclusive and educated business owner serving clients from diverse racial backgrounds.
However it’s important to understand that this work is lifelong. Just like being a successful business owner, you don’t cease learning and growing just because you’ve read one book or watched a couple of masterclasses. It takes practice, showing up even when you don’t feel like it and doing things repeatedly. The same goes with racial equity work you’ve got to keep showing up for it.
My 10 week signature program REPRESENTED is the best place (in my opinion) to begin or continue this work. Past student, Alex Waitr, a Sensual Wealth Mentor, had this to say about prioritising racial equity work:
“What REPRESENTED gave me was an incredibly beautiful foundation for which to build a lifelong body of work, not just in my business, but in my family. That’s where the real change happens, within us, and within the core of the family unit. I’m so grateful to have had this experience with Annie. You couldn’t find a better space holder. You couldn’t find a more gentle, guiding light to walk you through a very deep, robust and challenging field of work.”
If you know this is work you’d like to prioritise and you’d like me to hold space for you with grace, love and respect as you navigate the necessary work required to help you build a truly inclusive and sustainable business, then join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors next open.
I’d love nothing more than for us to journey together.
With Love,
How I can support you:
1) Wondering the best place to begin or continue your racial awareness journey? Discover your next step so you can take consistent and sustainable action. Take the Next Step Quiz
2) Want to build a racially equitable online business? Join the waitlist and be the first to find out when doors to my 10 week signature program REPRESENTED next open. Join REPRESENTED waitlist
3) Are you an emerging woman of colour coach ready to build a profitable and sustainable online coaching business? Get all the details and join the interest list