‘What people choose to do is often not within the realm of our control… but what we have control over is how we react to what people choose to do.’
Whilst some spend their life feeling powerless to change the status quo, Elizabeth Lang is the embodiment of action.
Born in South Sudan and entering Australia via a refugee programme, Elizabeth Lang is today the Founder and CEO of Diversity Focus, a consulting service specialising in training, research and coaching workplaces on the topics of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Speaking out about racism she brings awareness to companies and the individuals within the companies about unknown and known biases; drawing attention to the changes required to become a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace.
In this episode you will also hear Elizabeth’s first-hand account of being on the ground at the Black Lives Matter protest in Perth where she was invited to deliver a speech to 15,000 people.
In each episode I ask my guests to share about the barriers that try to stop them from succeeding and Elizabeth revealed that for her it was, ‘the daily experience of being ‘other-d’ by people, being made to feel less than, being made to feel like you don’t belong, often not being provided with the opportunity to have input… opportunities not given to you.’
But just as quickly as she fired off a list of barriers, Elizabeth was able to counteract them with one important tool that has given her the power to combat all her barriers and that is ‘mindset’. Through time spent reconditioning the way she thinks, learning and relearning thinking patterns she has been able to persevere and achieve.
About barriers she said, ‘I use them to propel me forward rather than hold me back’.
Not allowing racism or exclusion to define her thoughts she says ‘I could either sink in it…. but then I would be robbing myself of opportunities but I’d also be robbing the world of what I believe I was placed in the world to do’.
On the topic of representation, Elizabeth is at the forefront, working the landscape to bring about change with representation and encourages people of colour to be part of the change because she believes the responsibility ultimately rests on all of us.
So how does one embrace this responsibility?
Firstly she says ‘If you are in a position where you have some influence, to influence things for the better. You have to think beyond yourself in that position. You have to think how am I paving the way for the people that will come after me.’
She suggests:
Mentoring young people within the workplace
Encourage children in your sphere of influence i.e. Your own children, nieces, nephews.
Support and encourage people’s dreams and choose to speak possibilities instead of naysaying.
When asked about simple steps to harness more representation within our workplaces, Elizabeth shared her simple and practical actions everyone can start today:
Work on yourself to identify and address ideas that are self-limiting and holding you back.
Speak up when you see things you don’t agree with.
Trust yourself and your internal voice.
Become actively involved.
Write letters, articles and social media posts that share your experiences.
On changing mindset and self-limiting beliefs, Elizabeth provides greater insight into achieving self-belief by sharing a famous African proverb that says, ‘If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.’– She added, ‘I have to do the deeper work first cause once I win in here and here (motioning to her heart and head) I win in my environment.’
Connect with Elizabeth
Website- www.diversityfocus.com.au
YouTube Channel- Diversity Dialogues
Facebook- Diversity Focus Consulting
Instagram- @diversity_focus >click through to www.instagram.com/diversity_focus<
Enjoy the entire discussion here along with more from the entire Migrant Women of Colour Rising series
Begin your mindset transformation and address self-limiting beliefs when you download my FREE mindset audio guide 3 Steps to Unshackle Your Self Limiting Beliefs.
With Love,