“Don’t let the fear of being called out get in the way of doing anti-racism work.” These are words that I have shared with my students and clients and to be honest, they are easier said than done. Especially if one is not putting in the work to stay connected in this work. Fear has been used both historically and in present times to deter people from taking action. I’ve seen it play such a powerful role particularly in politics where we are pretty much taught to view others so differently from ourselves and in so doing classify them as something to be feared because they are not like us. Fear is indeed a powerful tool that I have seen play out even with the most willing of students, it creeps in and keeps them from taking any meaningful action.
A lot of times fear is based on the “what if” and that in and of itself can keep you standing at the sidelines as a bystander and never an action taker despite the desire to be one. What I’ve found to be effective when it comes to loosening the grip of fear around being called out and getting things wrong (which by the way, we will get things wrong) is to practise being a good listener. As a coach this is one of the skills I’m grateful I get to utilise everyday in my work and in personal relationships. Hearing what the other person is saying, taking the time to process what that means to them and then being able to respond from a place of understanding rather than defence.
No one models this better than my older brother George. We are 7 years apart in age and he always makes me feel that what I have to share carries so much weight. He often asks for my advice, is a great listener and makes me feel valued, even when I am wrong or have hurt him. What has strengthened our communication is not only the ability to listen but letting love be the lens through which we see each other.
I’ve shared many times with you via email that my way of coaching and educating is through compassion, grace and love. I don’t know how else to do this work. It’s how I learn as a human and it’s the only way I choose to do this work.
So when you do find yourself in the situation where you’ve been called out, take a moment to pause. Hear what is being said. If it’s abusive, shut it down and disengage. We do not heal by hurting others or applying an eye for an eye type retaliation.
Rather than argue and try to make your point or explain yourself in defence mode, apologise genuinely. Here’s what I’ve learnt about a genuine apology. You can’t keep kicking someone when they are down. When they take ownership of their mistake, most people let it be.
But here’s the next step you need to take that makes this apology carry its weight in reconciliation and accountability. Learn from it and try to make sure it doesn’t happen again. One of the ways you can get better at managing call outs and growing on your racial equity journey is by being part of a community of other like-hearted humans who are on a similar journey. This is not work that can be done in isolation. It requires community. A place to ask questions, grow in your knowledge and ability to have difficult conversations because you now have the language and that community {$name} is REPRESENTED.
For a very limited time, I am running an End of Financial Year (EOFY) special for my program REPRESENTED, I’m offering $200 off the program until the end of June.
If you are seriously considering taking part in the next round, we commence mid September and will run for 10 weeks. Here’s the course calendar so you can see the dates and times.
I’ve structured the program in a way which makes it manageable to fit in the teachings and explorations, without feeling overwhelmed. I release the modules (there are only 4) fortnightly which are bite-sized video trainings with an accompanying workbook for deeper self-interrogation.
Additionally, I also host a 2x group coaching calls fortnightly, so you can ask as many questions as you’d like around the teachings and how to further integrate this work into your life and business.
Find out all the details about REPRESENTED here.
Listen below to some of the feedback I’ve received about REPRESENTED… by simply watching what past students have to say, it will answer some of the questions that may be coming up for you.

I’m positive that wouldn’t have been the case without Annie’s teachings, guidance and support. I made the investment back within a couple of months, and I’m set up now to continue to work towards creating the inclusive business in my dreams.”

There’s never been a better time than now to join REPRESENTED. When I officially open the doors in August the price will be $1497 AUD, but today you can join for $1297 AUD (payment plan included) 👌🏾
This is a MASSIVE $200 SAVING 💰💰
Got questions? DM me via Instagram, I’d love to support you in making the decision if REPRESENTED is the right fit for you.
With Love,