It’s all systems go here at the Gichuru household. The kids went back to school yesterday and it was a full day of rain no less. It’s been pretty dry since we returned from Kenya but late Sunday night it started pouring and early Monday morning it was a clear sign we were in for a wet start to the school year.
My son began full time school and a piece of me feels so emotional. Gone are our Mondays and Fridays to hang out and now it’s putting in more strategic time into this business. The juggle is slowly creeping in as I manage things on the home front and in my home office. But I’m so grateful for an organised house. Suitcases are all unpacked, laundry is sorted, pantry is stocked and the house is clean.
I need that kind of organisation in order to stay in my office and not get distracted. I’m the kind of person if there’s a sink full of dishes, I need to wash them before I can concentrate. Please tell me I’m not the only one?
But there are things that simply do not make it into my list of priorities. Things that I know are important to me and yet I struggle to make time for. Like taking time for me, moving my body, reading the books that have been calling me from my night stand. They are all essential and good for my soul yet somehow they fall in the too hard basket.
It reminds me of a conversation I was having with one of my clients, Julia. She is so passionate about racial equity work and it’s so evident based on the systems and processes we’ve been putting into place in her business and the conversations she’s having at home with her hubby and young son. But what gets in the way for Julia is prioritising this work because when things on the home front and business get in the way, it’s so easy for this work to fall into the too hard basket.
I’ll tell you what I told Julia. It doesn’t have to be that hard. Doing this work is not about being switched on 24/7…it’s about taking baby steps with the awareness that this is not a sprint to a finish line but rather a lifelong journey you get to pass on the baton to your children and future generations.
You see when it comes to racism it is so deeply entrenched in our systems, institutions and in our beliefs. Yes even for Black people. Nothing is more true than the recent murder of Tyre Nichols by 5 Black police officers in Memphis, Tennessee. In a CNN opinion piece, Van Jones, a political commentator and host said, “One of the sad facts about anti-Black racism is that Black people ourselves are not immune to its pernicious effects. Society’s message that Black people are inferior, unworthy and dangerous is pervasive. Over many decades, numerous experiments have shown that these ideas can infiltrate Black minds as well as White. Self-hatred is a real thing.”
And so dear, what steps can you take even when there are other seemingly more pressing issues to attend to?
Apply it to your everyday life. If you listen to podcasts, may I suggest tuning into one that is DEI focussed. If you love to read, perhaps get the next book that is written by a Black person (and no it doesn’t have to be about DEI). If movies and T.V shows are more your jam, how about intentionally selecting one that has an inclusive cast with Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
The more you can normalise these intentional activities into your daily life the more you will become attuned to hearing diverse perspectives and voices that aren’t the same reinforcing the same messaging.
And in case you are thinking but what harm is there in not prioritising this work? Well a lot more than you might think.
I’d love to share with you 3 ways ignoring inclusion is hurting your business.
1. You’re missing out on serving the world’s majority (that’s a fact – and if you haven’t read my previous blog post, this is a good time to do that).
People of Colour are now recognised as the People of the Global Majority. Every day thousands of those people are searching for courses, programs and services just like yours.
If you’re not creating a safe space for those people, you’re cutting your potential client base by more than half.
2. You’re not attracting right-fit clients
The fact you’re reading my blog tells me you care about racial equity, but if that isn’t clear on your website, socials and in your services and programs, how are you going to attract the kind of like-hearted customers you actually enjoy working with? The kind that give you rave reviews because you literally transformed their lives and best of all you get each other.
3. You could get called out
And what’s worse, you won’t know how to handle it with grace.
We’re all human, we all make mistakes sometimes. In this online world, it’s how we handle those moments that speaks volumes and can massively impact our bottom line.
That’s why it was so important to me to create a brave space where online business owners, course creators and coaches can ask questions and develop their voice on matters of racial diversity, equity and inclusion.
This is what star-student Shannon Dunn said about having the space to develop her voice and actions in alignment with her values.
“I feel more confident to continue being a part of DEI conversations and I have a list of actions to continue taking for myself and my business that are aligned with my values and the incredible space Annie held for us all.”
Whether you join this round of REPRESENTED or not, don’t lose sight of how central this work is to your current and future success.
What’s one small thing you could do this week to move forward in your DEI journey?
With Love,
How I can support you:
1) Wondering the best place to begin or continue your racial awareness journey? Discover your next step so you can take consistent and sustainable action. Take the Next Step Quiz
2) Want to build a racially equitable online business? Join the waitlist and be the first to find out when doors to my 10 week signature program REPRESENTED open in March 2023. Join REPRESENTED waitlist
3) Are you an emerging woman of colour coach ready to build a profitable and sustainable online coaching business? Get all the details and join the interest list